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So I auditioned the Sophia 2s and they sounded fantastic. Much better then the B&W 802s imo. This was with a high end Naim setup for both the 802s and the Sophias. I think I read here that the Wilson Audio Speakers are really overpriced for their performance. Is this right?


I liked the newer W/P system I heard but it was a pretty brief audition. I do tend to agree with people that say they're dry sounding and can sound bright. IMO not worth their used or new prices.


I liked the newer W/P system I heard but it was a pretty brief audition. I do tend to agree with people that say they're dry sounding and can sound bright. IMO not worth their used or new prices.

I dunno. Most of the other speakers I've tried sounded more like Senns then anything else. The wilson audio speakers I've heard were the only ones that sounded like well amped grados.


I dunno. Most of the other speakers I've tried sounded more like Senns then anything else. The wilson audio speakers I've heard were the only ones that sounded like well amped grados.

I'll completely disagree with that. Even though my audition was brief I don't think Wilson speakers are all they're cracked up to be. Search speaker forums for Wilson impressions. They're probably second in line behind Bose for most over rated speakers, which I think has to do more with the cost to performance ratio than them actually sounding terrible.


I've always found the Wilson Audio speakers to have a big, lively sound, but too much treble energy. I also happen to think they are terribly overpriced, you are paying a lot of money for their name and the cabinets as all the drivers they use are off the shelf parts anyone can buy.


hmm, Ive been reading the AGon forums and the audio asylum forums (is there somewhere else I should look for speaker impressions?) and they all seem the be saying what jpak's saying - Sounds good, too expensive. But it seems that a lot of people end up getting them anyways. :\

oh and what the dealer near me is saying is that compared to other speakers in the price range, you dont really need to put a lot of money into the electronics if you want them to sound good, compared to something like the high end B&Ws, which is always a plus.


oh and what the dealer near me is saying is that compared to other speakers in the price range, you dont really need to put a lot of money into the electronics if you want them to sound good

... err. Is he trying to cater to your interests? They'll need really good upstream components to sound ok.


... err. Is he trying to cater to your interests? They'll need really good upstream components to sound ok.

Probably me being super deaf but I heard the Sophias with the Supernait (Naim's new integrated amp ~$6000 iirc) and with some other high end Naim gear costing $16000 and to be honest, I didnt find that there was that much of a difference. Obviously it was better, but when I heard the integrated after the high end, I didnt feel like there was that much missing.


To me at least, Wilsons become more unlistenable the further up you go in their lineup. The Sophia's pretty decent (but not for what it costs) and it's all downhill from there. But others like them and are more than willing to pay the big bucks for them, so whatever.


this is really interesting. It seems that I'm the only one that was truly impressed with the sophias. What do you guys feel are wrong with them? I know tkam thinks that they have too much treble energy.


this is really interesting. It seems that I'm the only one that was truly impressed with the sophias. What do you guys feel are wrong with them? I know tkam thinks that they have too much treble energy.

It's most probably because of the many options that sound just as good or better for lower prices.


It's most probably because of the many options that sound just as good or better for lower prices.

that is probably true. I havent heard that many speaker setups.

So what sounds similar to the Sophias that are cheaper?


I have heard the MAXX speakers, they sounded, well, huge, and extremely resolving. Treble wasn't over powering, but they were being driven by the AR ref CD7 tube cd player and some VTL reference monos, so I would be really surprised if they sounded horrible, (which they didn't). But, man are we talking serious cash here. That is wayyyyyy out of my league.

Heard the puppies 7 or 8 a while back, those had a smaller soundstage, very dynamic, but also agree on them being on the bright side of the spectrum. But those I heard out of a wadia 860xi that tends to be on the brighter side as well, so take that with a grain of salt.


well from what I'm reading online and on reviews, the Sophias are the least bright and most musical of the whole line up.

Yeah but if you get Sophias, all other Wilson owners will look down on you. And the point of owning Wilsons is to have speakers with a finish to match your Ferrari (at least thats what the Stereophile advertising tells me :D )


Yeah but if you get Sophias, all other Wilson owners will look down on you. And the point of owning Wilsons is to have speakers with a finish to match your Ferrari (at least thats what the Stereophile advertising tells me :D )

:D I think I need to get a ferarri to match my wilsons (pfft, i wish)

so yea, what sounds similar to the Sophia IIs while being cheaper?

  • 2 weeks later...

The old Thiel CS3.6. No idea how the new generation Thiels sound compared to the old ones though.

I went and heard the old Theil CS3.6 at Audio Classics. They were selling them used for $2000 so I thought that i'll go check them out instead of studying. Heres the link for anyones thats interested. http://audioclassics.com/cat.php3?cat=Speakers&p=9

So yea they were on par with the B&W 803Ds. Except the 803D was more colored and fun compared to the Theils. So yea, the theils are pretty nice for being 10+ years old


Store I worked at for a short time had Watt Puppies and Grand Slamms, this is more than 10 years ago but I still remember being less than impressed. I really didn't see what the big deal was about the Watt Puppies, there were several speakers in the store that sounded much better at half the cost. The Grand Slamms sounded big but again for that kind of change they just didn't get my mojo working. I do have a good friend who lives in Boston now that just bought Sophia's a short while ago and he seems to absolutely love them.

it was kinda funny, the dealer I was with absolutely hates any wilson speakers. He went on a rant for like 20 mins while I was listening to Heifetz

You should hear one of my local dealers rant about Nordost Vahalla, and what he did to the Nordost cable pusher who tried to get him to carry their cables.

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