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Anyone watch the premier tonight?

Coming as a big fan of Brian Fuller's other series, Dead Like Me and Wonderfalls, I had pretty high expectations. And I definitely was not disappointed. I'm really looking forward to the season, provided ABC doesn't pull a FOX and cancel it after a couple of episodes. I'm still recovering from the cancellation of Wonderfalls.


Definately looks to be one of the few bright spots in the new fall show line-ups this year. I also watched the first episode of Reaper awhile back, looks like that might be good for some silly, stupid fun.


I just watched it. I dont understand where the fuzz is coming from. I could barely get to the end of the episode. I hate how they are mixing up realistic world with a "make believe"-cartoonish elements. Of course thats just IMHO


1st of all... It appears I'm in love with Kristin Chenoweth. I'm not usually a fan of short hair, but damn!

Now that that's out of the way...

While I can understand why this show might be too much for some people, I really really like it. I thought last night's episode was a great 2nd episode. There was a little more recap than I would've liked, but that almost always happens in the 1st episode following a pilot. But after that, I thought it did a great job continuing to define the characters and move things along. It's definitely a new take on the TV staple of "Will they or won't they," because they really can't or she'll die. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this all goes.

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