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House premiere episode $$$$ Spoilers

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Okay. I just saw the premiere episode of House last night. It's been a busy week :). Well how did you guys like it? It was different without the usual suspects (Foreman, Chase, or Cameron), but it was good. It showed that he really did needs a staff. Also, Wilson was so funny this episode. I like his sarcasm with House about his guitar. Can't wait to watch the next episode. It hasn't aired yet here since I'm 6 hours behind EST. It will be interesting to see how he picks his next staff and what rigors he will put them through. :dance:

i added a spoiler warning to the title so Dusty Chalk doesn't get mad



i cracked up when the janitor suggested it might be lupus ;D

Thanks admin :D. I should have done that. I hope dusty chalk didn't see this yet.

I cracked up to when the janitor said that as well. I'm sure Jpak loved that saying ;)

Can't wait to see tonight's episode.


downloading now ;)

Ok. I got to try and watch it tonight with the wife. It always depends what time the baby goes to bed. Hopefully it's early and I can squeeze in House and Journeyman.


is journeymen good?

So far I've been pleasantly surprised by just the premiere. The premise of the story is pretty intriguing. I haven't watched the second episode, oh right I said that in the last post. But, it's pretty good overall. There is one hot looking Asian girl in it. Even the wife said she was pretty. She reminds me of Tia Carrera a little. I only decided to watch Journeyman since the guy from Rome is on it. I really liked Rome. Hopefully you get a chance to watch House tonight :)


Thanks Reks. That's his name. BTW, did you know (saw this on wikipedia):

He was the voice of Jezz Torrent in GTA: Vice City

Supposedly he might play a part in Thor the Marvel Action hero movie that is slated to be out in 2009. But that is a long way down the road so who knows. I could see him as Thor.


i did not know that. i had seen him in Topsy Turvy and Dog Soldiers, and of couse, as Lucius Vorenus.

Me either. I never saw Topsy Turvy and Dog Soldier though. I also saw that he was Tommy in Trainspotting, and he was in Kingdom of Heaven. I hope this TV show does well for him and he gets more movie roles.


shoot, i forgot about Trainspotting. Topsy Turvy is fantastic, regardless of whether you care about Gilbert and Sullivan, i highly recommend it. Dog Soldiers is good, too, in a kind of Sean of the Dead way.

Sean of the Dead was pretty funny. I just looked at my DVR and it didn't tape it. Wish it was a TIVO, but the cable company here doesn't offer that with it's cable tv service. The DVR is good since it works with their digital cable service and HD service. Oh well, I'm gonna be downloading it like you.


Sean of the Dead was pretty funny. I just looked at my DVR and it didn't tape it. Wish it was a TIVO, but the cable company here doesn't offer that with it's cable tv service. The DVR is good since it works with their digital cable service and HD service. Oh well, I'm gonna be downloading it like you.

Tivo HD works for what you want. The cable companies don't give them away, you have to buy them from a retailer.


House news here

Kal Penn joins 'House' as series regular

House has a new team member: Kal Penn (Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle) has joined the cast of the popular Fox show as a series regular. He plays Lawrence Kutner, a young doctor who comes up with unorthodox ways to diagnose patients. Penn debuted Oct. 2 on the drama as No. 6, one of many doctors vying for a coveted spot on House's exclusive team. Kutner caught House's attention in the episode by resuscitating a patient and suggesting that they get her drunk to better diagnose her rare neurological condition. "Lawrence is a fan of trying random methods of exploration and life saving, and isn't afraid to break the rules a little bit," Penn tells EW exclusively. The actor, who last appeared on Fox last season as Ahmed Amar in 24, said he already feels at home on the hit drama. "When you start out on a show, nerves can run high, but with House, everyone was so welcoming, I felt like part of the family," says Penn. "Psyched does not even begin to describe it. Awesomeness and thankfulness probably." Penn is also set to appear in Harold & Kumar 2 next year.

Also of note, an interview with Olivia Wilde [ame=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x342hv_olivia-wilde-talks-house_shortfilms]Video Olivia Wilde Talks 'House' - House, TV, Olivia, Wilde - Dailymotion Share Your Videos[/ame] talks about being 13, and it sounds like she might stick around a while. Maybe even become a regular like Kal Penn.


Tivo HD works for what you want. The cable companies don't give them away, you have to buy them from a retailer.

Comcast and TiVo reached a deal years ago to roll TiVo software onto Comcast DVR boxes, but it's waaaaaaaaaaay behind schedule and has only been released in limited testing runs in major markets. That would be a nice upgrade some day... The Motorola and SA software Comcast uses now is clunky at best, and when compared directly to TiVo's software, it fares even worse.


Comcast and TiVo reached a deal years ago to roll TiVo software onto Comcast DVR boxes, but it's waaaaaaaaaaay behind schedule and has only been released in limited testing runs in major markets. That would be a nice upgrade some day... The Motorola and SA software Comcast uses now is clunky at best, and when compared directly to TiVo's software, it fares even worse.

The tivo hd still works with comcast.


I know, I was talking about the porting of the TiVo interface onto Comcast's boxes. TiVo hit some hard times when the HD DVRs started rolling out, leading to their deal with Comcast. And it would be nice to have a DVR that I don't own and wouldn't have to replace in the event of a hardware failure that has the Tivo software. And from what I've heard, Comcast's support of CableCards to get premium content with the TiVo HD has been spotty at best. So again, an all-in-one solution that is less than TiVo's monthly fee with no upfront purchase and no liability with respect to hardware would be the best of both worlds.


Well, the deal has been reached, announced by both parties and tested in the field. It's only a matter of time. The problem is that TiVo's market has been shrinking steadily over the last few years, and this partnership was supposed to help both parties. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with.


Tivo HD works for what you want. The cable companies don't give them away, you have to buy them from a retailer.

Thanks grawk. I'm going to look into it. I would love to have another Tivo solution again. My cable provider here is Time Warner Cable. They have a Scientific Atlantic DVR box that they lease out every month. I was with DirecTV, but since living high on a hill that was pretty windy because of the trade winds, it got knocked out of alignment a lot. Long story short, I really liked the Tivo they provided. It was great and it just worked. I'll let you know what i come up with. BTW, I got the rega planet that you suggested and I'm a happy camper. Thanks again.


House episode 2 Spoilers!!!

I just watched the second episode last night. It was pretty good. I liked how they integrated the people trying to be part of his staff into diagnosing a patient. I was surprised when they showed Cameron and Chase. It was good to see them on the show. Now we'll see who lasts next week. I would think that girl that tells on other peeps would be one that might make it or the guy that is now Doctor #9, but was originally number 6. But who knows :-\.


Just saw this week's episode. It was interesting to see Foreman playing a role of House. I wonder where the old team being on the show is all heading. Also, building the new team as well. So far I'm enjoying the season :dance:

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