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I like the prices. $160 for a cable that may not even reach the dap in your shirt pocket. Maybe the only thing the 1ft works with is something hanging off your neck.

i get it.

I guess there is more silver overall than the copper at the core, and the teflon seems to be... extruded? for an airtight seal? In other words, he electroplates many times with silver and then dips the thing in teflon sauce himself? >.>

I can see how it gets expensive to pull this stuff off because he is making the wire himself, literally


I like the prices. $160 for a cable that may not even reach the dap in your shirt pocket. Maybe the only thing the 1ft works with is something hanging off your neck.

i get it.

I guess there is more silver overall than the copper at the core, and the teflon seems to be... extruded? for an airtight seal? In other words, he electroplates many times with silver and then dips the thing in teflon sauce himself? >.>

I can see how it gets expensive to pull this stuff off because he is making the wire himself, literally

I hope you took no offense from yesterday. :'( :'( :-*:-* :)

Hey man it is time consuming making thousands of feet of cable by hand... ;D

Honestly with how funny it sounds that I have 1ft on there I have had someone order a cable that was under 2ft in length on a pair of Sony CD3000's which was used to hook up to a portable MP3 Player and place into a shirt pocket. With how crazy it sounded of the guy asking me to do it I didn't see why not.

On serious note I don't really make the wire by hand it was custom designed by me and custom ordered from a manufacturer here in the US.





awwww you know im just playin =]

obviously even if you're not making it by hand it still is custom wire- hence the cost!

Take for example your ipod dock. It uses your custom wire stuff, and is well built with heavy duty plug. 70 bucks. Then compare it to alo's stuff which uses wire/connectors anyone can buy (jenalabs off the shelf wire is cheaper than you think). Costs almost double. Dielectric secret alo glue? Give me a break. Ive made cables that only uses the strain relief and none of them ever fell apart- and no glue is better than any secret alo glue.

Even worse... look a the microshar stuff ??? Penny per meter wire, random budget plugs... 100 dollars?


What kind of sheathing is used?

Does the price include K701 or HD650 specific re-cabling, or are you just selling a cable for DIY install?

The prices include installation for any full size headphone or will be terminated for the HD650's.

The K1000 and Qualia 010 have their own section only because they either require a lot of work or just custom connectors in which I can not keep a large stock of.



awwww you know im just playin =]

Good cause you know how I get... :mikey1::mikey2:;D


Installation... Thats one good deal. I tried installed cable on my K501. Ended up breaking half the cover just because I refused to read the instruction manual. There was one stupid screw hidden under the K501 sticker which I didn't remove, so I tried all kinds of spoons and knifes to pry it open.

So 200 for 5 feet with installation is a damn good deal.



How are the microphonics with the techflex sleeving? That's my one big gripe with the Zu Mobius. Nylon multifilament sleeving seems much better in all aspects compared to standard techflex.

Yea I know exactly what you mean. With the 2 layers of cotton insulation and Y split I use there is little to no microphonics at all with the V3 cable. I have tried nylon multifilament before many times and that is an option if someone wants it on the V3 instead of techflex. I do not limit options only to what I keep in stock. I do not see the point with the V3 to be honest though.




I guess for me, even after the microphonics issue, it's still a matter of feel. Techflex feels like crap to me.

I do understand where you may be coming from. As I said before. Nylon multifilament can be put onto the V3 cable instead of techflex no problem at all. ;D



Alex any plans for offering trials for the Sennheiser cable? Which doesn't require any hardwiring, so just thought I'd ask :)

I might build a single ended and a balanced V3 HD580/600/650 cable as a "try before you buy" cable once all of this demand goes down a little.




I just reread some of my comments and it sounds like I'm being pretty harsh, that's not what I intended. I think Alex's work is first rate and if the techflex doesn't present a microphonics issue I can see how it'd be much easier to work with given its ability to expand to a far greater degree than multifilament. Alex, YGPM on a separate issue.

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