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So sad it's over. Definitely looking forward to seeing what they come up to wrap things up in the long-rumored movie(s).

And it was really weird to see Calamity Jane in the pilot for the new show Life as a cop and not as a fall-down drunk. It took me a while to recognize her.


I've been hearing this a lot lately. What is so great about it? I'd probably say that Firefly, Dead Like Me and Heroes are my current favourites as far as series' go... would I like Deadwood?


I've been hearing this a lot lately. What is so great about it? I'd probably say that Firefly, Dead Like Me and Heroes are my current favourites as far as series' go... would I like Deadwood?

How can you lump that garbage show in with those 2 great shows? O0


I've been hearing this a lot lately. What is so great about it? I'd probably say that Firefly, Dead Like Me and Heroes are my current favourites as far as series' go... would I like Deadwood?

it really is great, you should give it a shot. check out the first few episodes of season 1, and I bet you'll get hooked like the rest of us.


I've been hearing this a lot lately. What is so great about it? I'd probably say that Firefly, Dead Like Me and Heroes are my current favourites as far as series' go... would I like Deadwood?

Great Shows

Firefly, check.

Dead Like Me, check.

Heroes, uh, not sure whether or not this is a great show yet. They ended the first season terribly, I watched part of last night's episode before succumbing to exhaustion but it was going ok. I'm giving them about 4 or 5 episodes to show me that they have something resembling a direction otherwise they'll probably lose me.

Deadwood is fantastic and just so unlike anything else I've ever watched. It had a way of making me profoundly uncomfortable (was life ever that violent?) and got me to laugh out loud all in the same hour. Watch the first 5 episodes, if it doesn't click with you by then it probably won't.


Uncomfortable? I thnink the only part that left me uncomfortable was when Swearinjin (sp) had to pass those kidney stones, and the doc went up his pepe hole. I was watching it on the train sitting next to my g/f's sister, and she got a prety good kick out of me squirming and covering my genitals. :D



Maybe some of use aren't quite as desensitized to violence as you are ;) I mean, action movie violence is one thing, but the stuff here can be pretty rough and realistic. They hang a guy for stealing a horse in the first, what, 5 minutes? And some of the hand-to-hand stuff is brutal as well. I found it a bit shocking through the first few episodes as well.


Deadwood is the most brutally violent show I have ever seen. Honestly I can't even think of a movie that is more violent. I kept imaging myself trying to live in a place like that, its almost unthinkable. But like Nate said, the show also makes me laugh my ass off. The characters are just so rich and well developed, and the dialogue is just fantastic.

the gleet episode was a toughie. ;D


I'll say I've only seen serenity, but the writing and acting were so awful that there's no way I'd consider watching the show.

I wouldn't say that Serenity was all that good a representation of what Firefly was like. Similar, yes, the same, absolutely not. Some of the stuff that happened in Serenity probably made no sense to those that hadn't watched Firefly and I can see how you just wouldn't get all that involved in the characters w/ such a short introduction to them.

But I'm not talking about the characters, I'm talking about the quality of the writing and acting. But anyway, I'll accept it's possible it wasn't complete garbage, I'm just not going to investigate any farther to prove that or not.


it really is great, you should give it a shot. check out the first few episodes of season 1, and I bet you'll get hooked like the rest of us.

I'll check it out. I liked watching Rome as well when it was on HBO.



I'll check it out. I liked watching Rome as well when it was on HBO.


I watched Season One of Rome religiously, but I didn't watch any of season two. I've got it queued up in my Netflix, looking forward to it.


Oh, you haven't seen Firefly... I see. :)

Probably not a Joss Whedon fan either? His style isn't for everyone, but Firefly is his best offering yet in my opinion, and will always be a favourite. The melding of east and west into a quirky space opera was pure genious. He also managed to tame his goofy humour without removing it entirely. Oh, and the companion is hot and I have a thing for River... So there's that too. :D

I love Dead Like Me, and just bought season 2 and have been watching it, so it is fresh in my mind. :)

Nate - I hear you on heroes, and I agree that they made some mistakes. That said, I LOVE some of the characters and even taking what they are doing wrong into account... They are doing a lot right. ;)

Looks like I'll have to check out deadwood though. Just what I need, another show to watch. :D


I watched Season One of Rome religiously, but I didn't watch any of season two. I've got it queued up in my Netflix, looking forward to it.

You'll love it for sure Jack. It's gets good in Season 2 and 3. I mean there is so much twists and turns. It's fun.


Oh, you haven't seen Firefly... I see. :)

Probably not a Joss Whedon fan either? His style isn't for everyone, but Firefly is his best offering yet in my opinion, and will always be a favourite. The melding of east and west into a quirky space opera was pure genious. He also managed to tame his goofy humour without removing it entirely. Oh, and the companion is hot and I have a thing for River... So there's that too. :D

You mean like star wars, the remake of kirosawa's Hidden Fortress? Or take the space out of it, and you have kirosawa's remakes of the spaghetti westerns, including Hidden Fortress and Seven Samurai, among others?

Joss Whedon is no genius.


No, actually, nothing like that.

The way he blended the elements in the show was genious. That's my opinion, take it for what you will... And maybe watch the fucking show before you tell us how bad it is? ;)


No, actually, nothing like that.

The way he blended the elements in the show was genious. That's my opinion, take it for what you will... And maybe watch the fucking show before you tell us how bad it is? ;)

I watched the fucking movie, which should be at least an above average representation of the show, right? You certainly don't expect me to sit through 52 hours of that crap?


I watched the fucking movie, which should be at least an above average representation of the show, right?

I'd say it was average at best, but if it didn't do it for you I wouldn't encourage watching the show. I certainly didn't think it was as bad as you clearly did, but hey, such is life.

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