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Woah didn't see this. Jack if you get it please post pics of the packaging and stuff. I'm thinking about getting it but $40 is kinda pricey for one of my lesser liked NIN albums.

I'll do that. I will be buying it eventually.


I don't even have a vinyl rig and I'm tempted. I really like Year Zero, and think it's among Trent's strongest efforts (despite what others might think ;)).

I wasn't putting down the album, just that I really like some of his other albums. Year Zero is a freaking sweet album and I'll probably end up buying the vinyl sooner rather than later :P

I can't even imagine how YZ would sound on a pair of nice speakers O0

  • 2 weeks later...












Its a fantastic looking set. Worth $45? Well, for that price I would have expected a slightly beefier case, but its plenty durable. I would think $35 would be more reasonable, but hell vinyl is pricey these days, so I can't complain. The good news is that the vinyl sounds great, only a few pops in the first track, from then on its quiet. The vinyl is thick, heavy, and perfectly flat.

As far as sound comparisons go, I feel the CD has more punchy impact, more visceral immediacy. The vinyl doesn't make me want to "rock out" like when I'm cranking the CD ;D. Typically I find the vinyl version of any album to be more visceral, but on this album it isn't the case. What you get in return is a surprising liquidity, considering this is a DDA, and the deep bass notes reach waaaay down low. This liquidity and deep bass makes the album sound slower and more PRaT-ty. Its like I feel like at any moment the record is about to slip into slow-motion, but it never does :) And no this isn't speed issues with my table, cause I have a technics. even die-hard DD haters will tell you the 1200 has perfect speed.

What this all adds up to is a very involving listening experience that is different from the CD. If one has a vinyl rig, and loves this album, and is willing to spend the money, I recommend it.


in other nine inch nails news, trent has ditched his record company:


From the above link:

"Hello everyone. I've waited a LONG time to be able to make the

following announcement: as of right now Nine Inch Nails is a totally

free agent, free of any recording contract with any label. I have

been under recording contracts for 18 years and have watched the

business radically mutate from one thing to something inherently very

different and it gives me great pleasure to be able to finally have a

direct relationship with the audience as I see fit and appropriate.

Look for some announcements in the near future regarding 2008.

Exciting times, indeed."

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