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Everyone Welcome - Asshat Extraordinaire

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Fine I take full credit for that. Just because the majority don't think highly of an imod doent mean someone may want to try one cheap? Right? Like MrSlacker he prob just wanted to hear it and you guys pressured him right out of his own money. Way to look out for one of your own.

Honestly I suspect an iMod sounds pretty decent. I think Vinnie knows what he's doing. That said, I'd personally be more inclined to put that money into good CD player instead.


Honestly I suspect an iMod sounds pretty decent. I think Vinnie knows what he's doing. That said, I'd personally be more inclined to put that money into good CD player instead.

Now see we are getting somewhere! Thank you sir!


This is a copy of a PM and reply from asshat extraordinaire from HF.

I do not own a headcase??? Did someone tell you I am selling one?

hahaha who made it that forum automatically changes t.rose to asshat extraordinaire


You have helped me at head-fi so Im unsure where that is coming from! Hello Sir!

i am keeping it real. ;)

i'd rather you know, possibly something beneficial might come out of this and you might rethink this twit like mentality.


I like Head-Case and I'm glad it exists....so does Tyll (HeadRoom). I get to post stuff here about new products that couldn't or shouldn't be put on Head-Fi even with a paid thread, and the feedback is always civil and valuable. So I don't think it's "2nd rate" at all. There are little things here you won't find on other forums. For every big hobby (cars, computers) there are hundreds of big forums. I think there's room for headphones to have at least two successful forums, right?

Very well put justin. I like Head-Case for the reasons you mentioned. This is a wonderful forum that is very valuable and keeps it real :). Hooray for Head-Case.


Ok I get it now except one thing if most of your members are head-fi exiles don't you think the information here is just a watered down version of what is really happening in the audio community kinda 2nd rate info.

This along with single minded members who don't embrace new members but try to bully rhem away and you have a big shit hole. I have had 1 member seriously ask me questions via pm so even your own members no which guys here are full of shit and I'm looking a quite a few of them in this thread. No not you billy and thanks by the way

Hey Todd I have no problems with you whatsoever. We've had one transaction on headfi and it went well. But to be honest I really don't bother reading your posts, after a while it gives me a headache and I feel I have a lower audio IQ afterwards. Hope you don't take offense.

However, I think you are making a very bad generalization about this place, as it is not 2nd rate at all. If anything, this place is like the high end version of headfi. Everyone here has great sources, has probably listened to the top high end cans if not all of them, carries plenty of comparative audio experience, and the guys here simply know their stuff. Yes you have to sift through the gossip and the hate and the vulgar language, but underneath it all these cats really know what audio is all about. The best way of putting it is the signal to noise ratio appears to be much higher here than at headfi, where users with very little listening experience with some of the higher end stuff really bring down some of the conversations.

This place is not for everyone, but if you truly are interested in being part of a community that embraces the finer nuances of audio fidelity especially with headphones, you can find it here. If not, headfi is always there and is not going anywhere. But I love this place, and the majority of my time and posts is centered here and not headfi.


post more, don't you want to be a golden god?

Eh, I really just enjoy reading and lurking. If I feel like I can contribute to a thread or conversation, than I do. But I kind of have phased out of headphone listening as I essentially have sold off my entire system. I like audio and music discussions, off topic is great, but for me its all about "less is more" nowadays. I am aiming for the "quality of posts : quanitity of posts" ratio award. If you have such a thing. Also, last time I checked, don't I have to be tripping on lysergic diethylamide getting ready to jump into pool of water before I qualify as a golden god?

However, I think you are making a very bad generalization about this place, as it is not 2nd rate at all. If anything, this place is like the high end version of headfi. Everyone here has great sources, has probably listened to the top high end cans if not all of them, carries plenty of comparative audio experience, and the guys here simply know their stuff. Yes you have to sift through the gossip and the hate and the vulgar language, but underneath it all these cats really know what audio is all about. The best way of putting it is the signal to noise ratio appears to be much higher here than at headfi, where users with very little listening experience with some of the higher end stuff really bring down some of the conversations.
So maybe a good way to say it is that the noise floor is higher over here, but the distortion is higher over there.

Plus, we have a much higher L3000 per capita over here.

There are no perks that came with golden god >:(
You don't get groupies? I was told to "...just wait, they'll be swarming all over you."

So maybe a good way to say it is that the noise floor is higher over here, but the distortion is higher over there.

Plus, we have a much higher L3000 per capita over here.You don't get groupies? I was told to "...just wait, they'll be swarming all over you."

Ah, but they're aerius style groupies* you get for getting your golden god status.

* Made up

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