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Playin' hooky from work


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no shit? wow. got a backup plan?

I have what I believe to be a better opportunity and a better match for me, yes :)

A bit of a risk compared to the sure-thing corporate soul-sucking job, but dammit I like my soul, at least what's left of it.

Geesh...I have no idea whether to email or print out my resignation, or how to word it. I've never resigned before - this was my first gig after college. I was thinking I would dig up one of those form emails they send out to the office when they fire someone "Effective today Mr. Holmes will be exploring opportunities outside Aon blah blah", copy-n-paste'd with my name subbed in, but perhaps that's too vindictive.

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I have what I believe to be a better opportunity and a better match for me, yes :)

A bit of a risk compared to the sure-thing corporate soul-sucking job, but dammit I like my soul, at least what's left of it.

Geesh...I have no idea whether to email or print out my resignation, or how to word it. I've never resigned before - this was my first gig after college. I was thinking I would dig up one of those form emails they send out to the office when they fire someone "Effective today Mr. Holmes will be exploring opportunities outside Aon blah blah", copy-n-paste'd with my name subbed in, but perhaps that's too vindictive.

yeah, don't burn any bridges. just goto your supervisor and tell him/her you've found an opportunity that fits you better elsewhere, and you are putting in your 2 week notice.

or you can be like "yeh whatev, fuck yall cos im out."

either way, congratulations on the new opportunity.

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I disrecommend anything with vindictiveness. Your instincts to spin it as "a better match" are fine, just spin it like that. When you go looking for your third job, you'll need references. And you never know when you're going to want to go back.

Print it out, date it, personally give one to your boss (the one who signs your timesheet), one to your supervisor (if the person who dictates what you do on a daily basis and/or manages you on a daily basis is different than your boss), one to HR (via interoffice mail for this last one is fine), and keep one for yourself. It should indicate (a) that you've quit, (B) what is your last day of work, and if appropriate, © any actions on their part that are expected by you (such as severance, if that is something that you've negotiated priorly).

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Sounds like you're working at Initech ;D

Well it's certainly headed in that direction IMO, which is one of the main reasons I'm high-tailing outta there.

Got my resignation letter all prepped and ready to kick ass - while not ruling out the possibility of consulting for them on a (very) limited basis. No more 8/hr days on that product; I can't wait :D

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