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I do not bow to the placement and acoustic gods of audio..They bow to me..lol

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Ok background:I demo Dynaudio 72se last year sometime in my room and fall in love then order a set. by the time the set came in I completely came up with a new idea for a room..in which time of the same week the Speakers came in I remodeled my room with thicker ceiling tiles,carpet,cables,cartridges,bpt thingy,etc

Well since I always like to get new gear in I have this problem with actually having the time to sit down and take the patience to get the placement rite and the acoustics.

when everything was said and done I had a completely different room and did the most moronic thing I could think of..I completely switched the listening position and speakers around to the other side. this lead me into a 4-5 month stand off with them. I was fighting the acoustics,power,furnace noise (55-60 db of crap facing my ears instead of my back),the window on the side of the "new genius speaker location" was rite next to my POND outside (with three waterfalls working 24/7),also the window faces the side of the house with the A/C thingy is,the power on this side was not even funny and It was impossible to run a dedicated A/C line on that side,I could still go on about how this one side of the room was cursed no matter what I did it sounded like crap! the side was so bad I had three different type of room acoustics applied and demo..if something did pro it had a huge con of that..every room treatment could not make this side "come to life" without to many 2nd and 3rd reflections and the Bass nodes on this side were impossible to altar. I finally gave up after I had the side of the room almost ceiling to floor in absorb panels..I kept one out of 4 set of AURALEX treatment I had in at once...the side was so Dead Even the Dead couldn't hear it..yuck

Well Fast forward to autumn and winter of last year...

Year autumn I get out of the speaker and Vinyl life and go nuts on headphones..not sure why but I do. anyway So I sold my Speaker amps (they were Dodd mono block 50watt el34) and bought a old cheap Adcom amp just to get by with until this spring when I knew I would get back into it...

well that Day of me getting back into it came yesterday but it was not by my choice,..mostly cause I bought new amps (the AES/Cary sixpacs balanced) and had a gsx preamp..

So yesterday I decided to move everything back to the original side and not stop until I had the perfect placement and acoustic treatment. It only took a good 9 hours but what I got now is soooooo amazing..omg

I will post pics later on and more info. the treatment I have up now is just the old Auralex panels I cut in half and doubled on the corners to control the bass into the middle instead of sticking out to the back walls. the first reflections are dealt with by a fake rose plant on one side and a small thick rug on the other. I know not the best looking but I went from 0 to 2000 mph in one day..amazingly I did. I moved the speakers about 60 times then toed them in 5 each way after that..I settled for the best overall performance with a tap of live end to the front. the bass and the front wall needs to be dealt with this I admit. I need to get some corner traps and I have a 10X10 piece of extra carpet from the install last year I am going to cut and hang on the front wall, I only want some diffuse going on without a lot of absorbing (absorb equals death). after the 9 hours of setup time I went to work but left early cause I had it..I had heaven and I needed to listen. I got home like 10pm and listened till 5am at very low volumes (omg the sound at low volumes is to die for). I probably still toe the speakers sightly towards me but...I will be giving up sound stage...i will wait to mess with them..in fact I am not touching nothing (regarding speaker placement) for awhile.

It the type of sound that you'll hear everything you can imagine just great, not perfect but overall its great and it has a really wide left to right so you get a lot of pan'ing effects easily, but the speakers are toed in and you get a 6-7 inch center location with of course anything in between the speakers and the center location. a lot of sounds hitting you for the floor or up high. Tomorrow I will listen for about 6 hours then re set up my vinyl rig...and cut that piece of carpet I have (as soon as I find it).

Its freaky really how it all just snapped together and became heaven, all this work and next thing you know you got it. I was sitting there yesterday after work looking at the speaker rig listening like I was watching an action movie...i didn't know where what would come next you know?

It is sooo good that after I shut everything down at 5am I listened to headphones for another 2 hours...thats how good it was..OMG

I been up for 25 hours strait..I got to sleep but I cant...must listen one more time....yes no...I can sleep when I die..I need to listen its sooooo amazing people..sorry but I finally am happy after all the moving around and this and that.

Btw I cant really comment on what a single peice of gear sounds like cause of the new placement..i will be able to switch out single stuff later..not now I dont wanna touch anything.

yeah I mean later I set up my vinyl Rig, Vinyl + Speakers equals omg omg heaven.

Ok goodnight

? Last Edit: Today at 08:49:24 am by bhd812 ?
Wait, that was after editing?

Just giving you crap. Are you the one with the triangle shaped room? Is that a permanent situation that you can do stuff to, or must you be temporary. You might want to do a search on Ethan Winer for room treatments -- he seems to give pretty good advice, and has a whole forum dedicated to the subject. Doesn't know much about soundproofing, though.

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