hungrych Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 Allright guys, we have an issue. Morph has kind of been messing with our channel politics, yelling at us for banning spammers, linking whatever, and acting how we want. He's a good guy, but it's gone way too far. I don't know if you've noticed or not, but some people's auto-ops have been taken away... So we might end up having to pull a Reks and move it somewhere else. I have a pretty capable (but kind of empty) network going on, so we could easily move it there for the time being. I'd like everybody to speak up (especially null cause he's the chan owner) as to what they think, but please don't make a decision until you've heard the story from people getting messed with. Quote
Beeble_ Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 You know where I stand hungry, but morph especially has been yelling at me lately for "nasty" links and calling us perverts for jokes that we generally warn about before hand. He gets on me whenever I ban anyone and somehow thinks he is the owner of the chan. My vote is for a move. Quote
hungrych Posted March 12, 2006 Author Report Posted March 12, 2006 hungrych are you there? morph yes hungrych allright hungrych hi hungrych we banned him because he comes in and spams and does nothing else hungrych what's the big deal morph he pasted one link hungrych and that's ALL he did hungrych he's done it before morph to another chan on zoite hungrych why should we let him in if he just comes in to spam though? morph i have advertized your chan many times before hungrych he didn't even talk hungrych but you don't come in just to advertise do you? morph he isn't wround much, always busy with his radio morph then use /ignore hungrych but he has nothing to contribute hungrych is advertising allowed in here? morph i have advertized your chan many times before hungrych I thought you took off the round-robin because of spam problems morph that's different hungrych I know but that guy is the same as a spam bot morph that's malicious spam morph it's up to you hungrych they have bots that do the exact same thing on undernet hungrych and it's annoying as hell morph he was advertizing another chan on zoite, once hungrych if it's up to us why are you bothering beeble about it? hungrych it wasn't once though hungrych we don't think it should be allowed hungrych in this channel morph ok 5 times in 3 months hungrych I don't see what the huge problem is hungrych spammed 5 times and never said anything else.. morph i didn't say it was a problem, you say it is hungrych you did though, not to me, but to others morph what about all the lame links some othger ppl paste? morph when they bothered me, did i ban anybody? hungrych but they're actual channel members, it's not like their only interest is to promote themselves morph no morph i didn't ban anybody hungrych I didn't say you did morph i did what then? hungrych blah hungrych are we allowed to do what we want with the channel as long as it doesn't affect any other channel? hungrych or not morph yes morph within reason hungrych what reason? morph the links that some ppl have pasted lately morph they have no place in #headphone-hifi morph it turns ppl away hungrych from the whole network? morph from #headphone-hifi hungrych well isn't it our right to do that? morph and i''l make sure this won't happen morph it is my right when i see it affecting the channel negatively morph 2 or 3 ppl will not be alowed to trash the channel hungrych nobody is trashing the channel... morph yes hungrych nobody has left cause of the links.. morph why do you think i spoke up? morph because i was bored? morph like i have nothing better to do hungrych lol hungrych what it comes down to is this: either we have full rights to our channel or we don't morph if watching tubgirl images is necessary for you to be happy, then do it in private hungrych if we don't I'm sorry but we'll move the channel to another network if we have to hungrych lol hungrych I would never click that crap morph why do some ppl even paste them in the channel? hungrych I have no idea tbh morph oh you are moving morph ok hungrych we're not morph up to you hungrych we don't want to hungrych I like the network.. morph ttyl hungrych better than undernet hungrych hungrych dude chill hungrych I didn't say we were hungrych but if we can't have control of our own channel.. morph moving your chan is no threat to me, in case you are wondering hungrych I'm not trying to make a threat hungrych I know you have better things to worry about morph i will not tolerate the porn stuff that went on morph i dislike perverts hungrych nobody even looks at that stuff hungrych it's all pasted as a joke morph i have talked to other ppl in your chan, and they basically agreed with me hungrych allright... I'll discuss it.. hungrych later morph 2 or 3 ppl are trashing your chan morph i have seen it happen before morph it's not good hungrych we have like 40 people on at a time hungrych nobody is trashing anything morph that's why i speak up hungrych if you feel that way that's fine morph links to perverted images do trash a chan hungrych but don't mess with what we deem as our channel rules hungrych I mean I know you can, it's your network morph i want to prevent #headphone-hifi going to hell morph it's a cool chan and all hungrych yeah I know hungrych and the same stuff has been going on for months morph a number of us worked hard to make it what it is hungrych and we're fine hungrych so what's the big deal morph no there has been a change recently hungrych not at all morph it has Sorry if it's impossible to read, I can't get brackets to work in X-Chat... Quote
Aliacha Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 Thing is, he hasn't been on our channel lately, so whenever he sees anyone doing a ban/kick, to him, it sorta seems like it's out of the blue. I agree that he's a nice guy and all, and because he's one of the server admins that he should be allowed to voice his opinions, but he doesn't/shouldn't have a say in what the channel does. He's just not informed about anything in the channel. I don't see why the channel couldn't be moved somewhere else. Theres gotta be some place that'll just leave us alone Quote
PFKMan23 Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 Honestly maybe it's time if that's the case, but that said, I haven't been around enough to sense any of this at all. Quote
McShaggy Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 well if its moving that we're doing i vote for quakenet, because thats where my other channel is me and kameleon are in #bit-tech there. actually, quakenet as a network is terrible but i just hate having to join multiple servers Quote
akwok Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 I really don't care, as long as the owner is a nice guy. I think hungrych would make a nice, neutral owner. Relocating will ultimately have it's pros and cons, but whether the pros will outnumber the cons we'll have to wait to see.. Quote
Vertigo Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 Relocating will ultimately have it's pros and cons, but whether the pros will outnumber the cons we'll have to wait to see.. Well, I guess the question then is, what is it that we like about zoite that is keeping us there? I'm frustrated simply because morph acts without notice and without regard to his own rules. If we're not breaking the stated rules, then I don't really understand what the issue is.... Anyway, if we need resources of some sort like webspace for a stats page or whatever, I've got tons Quote
Beeble_ Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 oops forgot about a plus of moving: STATS START OVER haha Quote
grawk Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 my vote is efnet, that's the standard network, i'm already on there otherwise. We can call it #headcase Quote
fante7 Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 my vote is efnet, that's the standard network, i'm already on there otherwise. We can call it #headcase SECONDED!!! Quote
Beeble_ Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 efnet would be good for me too majority of my chans are on efnet(btw avoid #ipod, we ban all talk about ipods but on second thought then we have to deal with bots and the works and I dunno Quote
McShaggy Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 apparently you have on autoban in #ipod, thanks asshole Quote
PFKMan23 Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 I don't care where we move it so long as my teddy bears will be there Quote
PFKMan23 Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 #headphone-hifi is in Zoite --> #headphone-hifi LAETA > all! Quote
Patu Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 Pretty quiet there. Only one guy there with a nick of morph. \ Quote
PFKMan23 Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 Honestly, it's still relatively early (atleast for those of us in the states) Quote
Patu Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 Honestly, it's still relatively early (atleast for those of us in the states) That's good thing to remember. I must try again some other time. Quote
darkless Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 That's good thing to remember. I must try again some other time. That's not right, I've been in that chan all day, you must've mistyped something. Quote
Patu Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 That's not right, I've been in that chan all day, you must've mistyped something. Hmm. Weird. I'm there at the moment but there's only morph. network: (6667) channel: #headphone-hifi What's wrong then? Quote
Beeble_ Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 /server if you're on it's split from the rest of the network because of bot attacks and only morph will be in there. Quote
Patu Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 /server if you're on it's split from the rest of the network because of bot attacks and only morph will be in there. Thanks. Now it works. Quote
tiberian Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 yea...not being able to ban dj_ballz is totally lame. Quote
MagusG Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 I vote for EFnet. Infact, I'll occupy the channel now. -Mag Quote
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