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Yeah I mean I am all about the analytical sound, but I don't think his signature qualifies at all. By thin, i don't even think it is just lacking in body but there isn't much detail to compensate so there it is thin on all levels. If you want to stay away from being over-lush you gotta be doing it to reveal details that normally would be hidden by the lushness otherwise what's the point?

That is a very good point. Yes, that is my opinion as well. Though the amps are thin-sounding, the ones I've had experience with were not of particularly of notable fidelity. I believe revealing details was not the purpose; it's just his sound signature.


what's a good price point for a decent DAC that will be used with an external amp? I'm thinking about getting one since my chaintech sound card doesn't sound good at all through the line out. Lets say that I'm only looked for it to sound pretty good and not amazing.


I am really happy with my M-Audio Sonica, following that description. It renders the output from a computer from "unlistenable" to "quite listenable". Not the "...Theater", it's sort of the precursor to the Transit. Retailed for US$90, should go for ~US$50? on the used market. I actually just looked on eBay and didn't find any.

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