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I could potentially score a pair within this week, so I just wanted people who have heard/owned the 12L active monitors to speak out about their experiences.

To be honest I don't expect optimal performances out of them in my room, because my room is not that great: somewhat thick dry-walls with wooden floors, and I would pretty much have to place them right up against the long wall due to space constraints. And every time I clap my hands, I hear a slight echo in the room.

But given all of that, it's a potentially good deal, so I just wanted some opinions on everything from whether it's even worth it for me to get them or how they sound. It's really open-ended.

My equipment is in the sig, will be driving them with my GS-X's pre-amp outs.


i can't comment on the speakers, but some egg crate foam from a packing store, judiciously applied, would probably get rid of your echo problem, on the cheap, even!

LOL, that just reminds me of that scene from that movie Hustle and Flow when the guy's nailing egg crates on the walls.


I bought my pair from TheSloth, so he should pipe in here, too.

Short: dang, they are nice. Keepers.

I really like their sound signature -- the crossover is pretty close to inaudible, which leaves a very sweet and only slightly forward midrange -- female vocals like Camille's Le Fil sound exquisite on this. Very slight upper-midbass/lower midrange hump, and no extreme low frequencies whatsoever -- I will eventually be integrating this with a sub. Very slight, it took me months to even hear it. Upper frequencies have nice extension, although not the best "air" I've ever heard, certainly adequate, and not erring on the rolled-off side at all.

I listen to mine nearfield (on either side of my monitor) and quiet in my humble-sized office, so don't have as much of a concern with higher-frequency room acoustics, but the room might be contributing to the upper-midbass hump.


have you thought about maybe getting headphones? ;)

you don't say...

Well sometimes I have people over and it's hard to share headphones, even if you have multiple pairs. I figured even in this not-optimal environment, the Quads will at least sound decent.


22L2's just a got a not-so-good review in the September issue of Hi-Fi Choice.

nice. might that be a bit much for an office, though? or do you work from home?
Yeah, it's a bit much. [me=Dusty Chalk]shrugs[/me]

well this is going to be near-field too, as I'm no more than 3 or 4 feet away from the speakers
Yeah, they sound really good from 3-4 feet away. Add a sub, and you'll have a kickin' 5.1 setup. You are getting 5 of these, aren't you?

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