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what are your opinions on the super.fi 5 and the denon ah-c700?

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that search function is really pad. it doesn't even narrow things down and will locate the terms even in common words... anyway.

please address tonal balance, detail (and i mean detail as in detail...throught the range... not as in "oh noez! dis shit gotz lozta highz~!"), isolation, and comfort.



IMO, AKG took a wrong turn in its pursuit of "neutrality" and flat frequency response, the K701 sounds like it's been resistored down and way overdamped, giving a dead sound that's lacking in weight, warmth, and dynamics. I find it to be dry and boring, and anything but neutral, real music is not this lifeless and bland. I can't remember who mentioned it, but it's as if AKG sat down and built a headphone such that it wouldn't offend anyone, and came up with a product which is average or mediocre in every respect, it doesn't have a single outstanding or compelling quality which would convince me to forgive its many shortfalls. I can forgive a Grado's small soundstage since it's got a wonderful tone as well as being the most addictively fun headphone I've ever heard, I can forgive my K340's slight midrange colouration & rolled-off highs thanks to its soundstaging, imaging, level of detail, and spooky real female vocals. The HP-1000's analytical sound is offset by its high resolution & precise soundstaging & imaging. I can't say anything like that about the K701.

To me the K701 is just another headphone in the crowded $350-500 segment where it faces stiff competition, and that's the level it performs at, it's a Senn 650 level headphone at best. It's not a giant killer, it's not going to match an RS-1, K1000, HP-1000, or anything else in the $700-1000 range.

Postscript: This was written some time ago, after further thought I've concluded that the K701 is a flaming piece of shit. This has nothing to do with the OP, but that's besides the point, the fact of the matter is that Merton's a fucking moron, and should go play chicken with speeding freight trains.

Guest sacd lover

ah. i gather y'all don't want me here.

We dont care if you are here .... you are as welcome as anybody else. :-*

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