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M-Audio bx8a with Benchmark Dac1 usb off of the laptop is nice!!

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I have been trying out studio monitors for the last few weeks now for my office at the bar. I tried the Dynaudios at $500 each but to me they remind me to much of my home rig and are way to much for my use needed. I tried the Event tr8's and either know the have great freq numbers they just don't make the music come out even enough. I tried a few KR or something brand monitors around $500 pair but they sounded to small and well..Small. I decided on the M-Audio bx8a's for the rear ported even sound and crystal clear range. I have them running Balanced from the Dac1 usb and then on to the laptop using Itunes on a external Hard drive. I have Carpet on the walls of the basement as part of the decoration from years back when the basement was used for banquets, so the Acoustics of the place actually is damn good for a Studio type sound. I need to get a desk with a nice monitor placement though cause now everything is on a banquet table.

the setup now Sounds amazingly transparent with amazing Speed, detail, and sound stage most high end audio setups dream of..Being the flat type of sound needed for Studios the setup is a far cry from my home rig. this setup puts the sound in ways the G08 and speakers could never do but then again when you take out ic's and 32 tubes out of course you'll hear this type. its not enjoying of relaxing as a high end setup but the flatness just does the spacing awesome! in fact if i had to redo any computer rig i would use the studio monitors for it only, its what they are made for..the near-field evenness.

Best part if you want the love of tubes then i can always run a tubed preamp in the line of course..

I plan on bringing my rega p3 as soon as i get a cheap phonostage that can do m/m cart's. after all I have a used record store not more then 30 feet away from me now..yeah baby!

any thoughts on the dac1 or studio monitors from anyone else?


We've actually discussed studio monitors a little already. TheSloth posted one that had a really flat frequency response -- M-Audio, I believe, and it was supposedly really cheap. I haven't heard it though. I also bought TheSloth's Quad 12L powered/actives, which suits my office quite well for enjoyable listening. I'm not sure how accurate they are. He cursed me by telling me they had a midbass to upper-bass bloat, which I now hear, but it's not as intruding to me as it was to him, so I don't mind it so much. I intend to eventually pair it with a sub -- probably a SVS SB-12Plus.

But I don't think I've discussed much my favourites -- the Mackie HR824's -- really dig those, they're sort of the Sony MDR-V6's of the active monitor world -- too bright for most people, but perfect for monitoring, in which case you need revealing equipment. I actually don't get tired of their sound too much.

If you're going to use a sub, they've since introduced the HR624's, which are probably perfectly adequate.

Which Dynaudios did you try, the BM5A's? I've wanted to hear them...

I've also owned KRK V8's, which I really regret letting go, they sounded pretty good. But I hardly ever used them, so the regret is minimal.

A musician friend of mine uses...um...Alesis's, I think. Or maybe that's the amp? I think they're Alesis passive monitors, too, now that I think about it. They sound alright, but what's good is that he makes really good-sounding music with them. Link.

Are you getting these for pleasurable listening, or for studio stuff? IMHO, that makes a big difference.


I had considered purchasing some inexpensive monitors (rough estimate of around $200) and the M-Audios always caught my eye as good choices. I might try to pick up a pair once the school year starts and I have cash again.

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