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Watching Dexter. Really stupid shows are getting too good at keeping you engaged and wanting to see what happens next. Dexter to me is yet another example of that. First Lost and now Dexter have me hooked but wanting to vomit all over myself the whole time.


it just gets better and better. such an amazing show.

That's what I keep hearing. I'm really looking forward to getting my next batch of disks from netflix. Until then I'm watching my roommates netflix, the 6th season of star trek voyager. Since there still isn't a nerd emoticon I'll have to settle for this. :rant: My very own tantrum emoticon.


I started watching Transformers Animated - Transform and Roll Out last night. It's an full movie length introduction for Transformers Animated, a new series that will be on Cartoon Network. It's no Transformers from 1984, but it's still fun to watch. I still need to catch up on Beast Wars as I never enjoyed watching it. Reading it on the other hand was pretty good.

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