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Started, and will finish, watching Blindspot last night.  Looks like it has potential but the male lead (from HBO's Strike Back) never struck me as a particularly great actor..

I just watched that yesterday, agreed on the male lead (and some secondary characters, too).  But I liked it overall for what it is.

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I watched the first 15 minutes or so of the Muppets and found it disappointingly unfunny.

It's certainly no Jim Henson show, the self-doubt and self-hate on the part of Fozzie and Kermit were a bit much.  I hope they tone that down, but there were enough easter egg adult jokes for me to come back next week.  Is my memory deceiving me, or was Fozzie's girlfriend different in the commercial (brunette) than on the show?  I vaguely remember a brunette.

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Speaking of shows with children in mind, saw my first full episode of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood this week (a few dozen episodes just released on Netflix). In such public consciousness, I thought I had seen it before I did, and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood has been a staple here for a couple years, but it was even better than I expected. Talked with GF and figured she was watching Fred about the time I was consuming (ma and pop were ahead of their time with free range [TV watching] parenting) - Tarantula, Blob, original Little Shop of Horrors, THEM!, etc. Is this where our lives diverged (and she ended up much kinder)? 

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Well, hey, I watched a lot of b-grade horror flicks growing up, too.  And, all 3 of us boys wanted my mother to marry a certain boyfriend after she was divorced, specifically because he watched Creature Double Feature and The Three Stooges with us.

What could possibly have gone wrong....?  With him, or me?  :D


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Funny, I had the reverse situation. My mother almost married the first guy who came around after the divorce. He was a newish private detective who upon hearing I was home from film school (and liked Art and international films at the time) decided he'd impress us with a trip to his favorite movie - Top Gun. Wish I could remember his name to see how that career went.

See if I watched Mister Rogers I'd have said something nicer.

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Blindspot seemed pretty formulaic (but what isn't?).

Just didn't hold my attention very well.

I'll give it a few more tries though.

I don't disagree with that assessment, but I try not to judge shows on the first episode that heavily.  If it doesn't get better I won't be sticking with it just for the tattoos. 

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I'm not embarrassed to admit I like the pretty amnesiac kicks ass while she remembers things plot, and Jaimie Alexander is kind of like Hanna meets Jason Bourne to me,  Formulaic?  Yeah, it resembles/steals from a few things.  But I'm not looking for anything too deep, so I'll likely enjoy it unless the so-so acting gets too much in the way.  I'll be curious to see how they unravel the mystery of her tattoos.

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Kermit:  "I'd like to talk about last night's show -- let's start with the band:  when Piggy starts interviewing the guests, that's your cue to stop playing."

Dr. Teeth:  "Ah.  Did not know that.  Perhaps we should dismystify any further misconfusion with a daily confabulation type meeting."

Kermit:  "We have meetings every morning, you're in one right now."

Zoot:  "Huh, this is a meeting?  (straightens throat)  I'm Zoot.  And I'm..."

(someone else):  "Different meeting."

Zoot:  "Oh."

Yeah, I know, I have a twisted sense of humour.  I went to the top of Diamondhead once, when I was in Hawaii on work.  The previous person took me.  It was beautiful.  So when the next person came along, I took them.  Unfortunately, there were much more people that time.  And they were all kind of quiet and kept to themselves.  Like library quiet.  It was like that scene in The Birds when the birds aren't doing anything, but there's still a lot of tension, because there's still a lot of them.  Then someone called the meeting to order.  We excused ourselves quickly.  My coworker had a similar sense of humour to mine -- he said, "I realize it's early but all of sudden I'm thirsty, do you want to go get a drink?"


Watched the pilot for Minority Report (free on Amazon, not sure if prime or everyone, would presume everyone) -- meh, they made it into a procedural by separating the 3 and giving one so strong a conscience that he feels obliged to act, but he is the weakest of the 3, so is somewhat stymied.  Setup seems fragile for an entire show.  

That said, I like procedurals and I like sci-fi, so will watch.

Also, season 2 of Blacklist just hit Netflix.

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Finished Blacklist (season 2), I see that Homeland has a new season out, need to start renting those disks.

Gave up on Zoo after second episode -- just too much fake science exposition.  Not sure why it annoyed me so much, but just gave up.  Reminded me of reading Dean R. Koontz.

Started Dark Matter -- poor man's Firefly, I'm liking it so far.  Lot cheesier, but enjoyably so.  And watching Zoie Palmer (whom I don't think emotes a whole lot in Lost Girl) act emotionless as an android.

Also, second shortest opening sequence (after Blacklist).

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