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Not that I could ever find. I got so angry about it that I purchased a rapidshare account and downloaded every episode since Clarkson took over. You might still be able to find torrents of them too, not that I endorse either action although in this case if they aren't going to try and make money off of it (make it available for sale) I don't feel that bad.

Some of it's on iTunes now iirc.

Some of it's on iTunes now iirc.

From what I see it's only Series 10 and $2/ep isn't great. Still, it's better than nothing. It's just that there is so much goodness in the earlier Series it's a shame they aren't more accessible.

Me too. I think this is by far the most consistantly entertaining show on TV. This season has been top notch.

Agreed. I'm not sure if you saw the preview for the next episode, but I'm really looking forward to it - I really like Casey.

i would agree, if you switched "entertaining" with "amusing" and "on TV" with "on American prime-time TV."

I would agree if you switched "entertaining" with "fucking pathetic", "On TV" with "on the dissapointing tube". "top notch" with " FUCKING BORING. WHERE IS THE FUNNY? I'M NOT INTERESTED IN THE PLOT", "Chuck" with "The Office",

I would agree if you switched "entertaining" with "fucking pathetic", "On TV" with "on the dissapointing tube". "top notch" with " FUCKING BORING. WHERE IS THE FUNNY? I'M NOT INTERESTED IN THE PLOT", "Chuck" with "The Office",


so you're saying that The Office is far the most fucking pathetic show on on the disappointing tube and that this season has been FUCKING BORING. and also, WHERE IS THE FUNNY [with The Office]? YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED IN THE PLOT [of The Office].

well ok then.

You sound like that Robot we all had conversations with.


Pretty ambivalent about Chuck. I watched 15 minutes of the first episode this season and didn't enjoy it. Does it pick up later in the season, or can I just expect not to resonate with this show?

On another note, I loved True Blood, Reks. Caught up with it just in time for the finale.

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