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Not right now but cooked the most perfect burger earlier in the evening with some peppers and broccoli on the side. Then sat across mom at the table and watched her pray for my soul as I devoured that awesome burger. Despite being a 90/10 mix it was juicier than many 65/35 burgers I've had in the past. The outside was charred just enough to be a wee bit crispy. The inside was warm and pink.

The nicest part - if cost me $4.58 at whole foods thanks to their kickass sales this week.

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A question for all the brisket masters out there. I tried making some for the first time yesterday in a crockpot. Cooked it on high for 30 minutes and then on low for 8 hours. Added salt, pepper, a steak rub, potatoes, onion, worcestershire sauce initially and a little bit of water when I read that water was needed to convert the collagen to gelatin after about 4 hours of cooking. The meat itself was a shade under a pound and about 3/4 of it had an 1/4" layer of fat. Cooked it fat side up.

The final product looked excellent and was eaten with just a fork. It wasn't as juicy as I had hoped for it to be. It was also more tender on the end that had no fat above it. The part under the fat caps was dry and not as flavorful.

What did I do wrong here? Not cook it for long enough? Not enough fat on top? Added water at the wrong time?

Suggestions for how to fix the dry brisket issue? Bbq sauce added at the beginning of the cook?

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