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July 14 MD/VA/DC/PA Area Meet at the Marriott University Center in College Park

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Thanks to Stephen for organizing the meet and scoping out the great location. Admittedly I didn't listen to a whole lot but heres a brief rundown on what I did listen to:

Denon D5000 - Nice phones pretty well balanced no real glaring faults that I could hear. Much better than the W5000 or the crap-o-technica as we were calling them ;).

Balanced Beta22 - Very very nice amp, if I ever get sick of tubes I'd get one of these in a heartbeat

Headphile HF-1 - These were grawk's and I was actually pleasantly surprised by these. Better than the Rs-1's in pretty much every way.

Headamp protoype dac/amp - Justin has a real winner on his hands here

Balanced Supra Extreme - This was a very good amp and sounded nice with the woodied ps-1's that were paired with it.

The best part of the even though was finally meeting some of my fellow head-casers that I've known for quite awhile online. Oh and thanks Alex for letting me borrow the Qualia's ;)


was there a pair of Edition 9s in attendance?

slwiser brought a pair. They were, uhm, interesting. If I didn't know what music was supposed to sound like, I might have liked them. As it is, they just sounded a bit off.


that's more or less what i expected, though i haven't heard an ultrasone...

The Ultrasone's that I had (the semi-famous pair of HiFi 700's signed by Florian) had the deepest, most impactful bass of any headphone I've heard under $1000. That said the rest of their frequency response was pretty awful so they were great for movies but that was about it.

The Ultrasone's that I had (the semi-famous pair of HiFi 700's signed by Florian) had the deepest, most impactful bass of any headphone I've heard under $1000. That said the rest of their frequency response was pretty awful so they were great for movies but that was about it.

There's a great endorsement for a pair of headphones, if I ever heard one. LOL. ;)


There's a great endorsement for a pair of headphones, if I ever heard one. LOL. ;)

If they cost $100 I'd think they were alright but they're around $250, which puts them in a league where they should be preforming far better than they do.

It's a Qualia SACD player. It'll set you back a nice chunk of change if you can find one.

EDIT - IIRC, the MSRP was ~$10K.

i wonder how much of that $10K went into the cosmetics on that unbelievably badass demonstrator transport. wow! totally worth it though.

It's a Qualia SACD player. It'll set you back a nice chunk of change if you can find one.

EDIT - IIRC, the MSRP was ~$10K.

Actually, it's not just a player, but it has a speaker amp built into it. Can you say K1000 system?

Why limit your choices to 2 guys whos credentials include liking headphones and building cables for people who like headphones. :P


Hey now... I also happen to make cables for people that like speakers, guitars, home studios and yes headphones as well.

Oh and Alex is a good guy.


I'm thinking of re-cabling my L3000s balanced with either EnigmaAudio or APureSound, I know everyone here loves Zach's work, but does anyone have any experiences with Alex's work?

I have an small mini-mini IC from Alex. It was very nicely soldered and assembled; very clean work, overall. Don't know if that's any help.

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