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A more pressing and annoying thing to deal with is a strong desire to have a better NAS/backup setup.

x2. I have my iMac serving as a de fact network storage, but it's far from optimal

On topic, I bought few garden/yard items including new sprayer and couple of those quick-release thingies for my hoses. Of course, I got home only to find that my main hose is busted so now I need to get a new hose as well.

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I have the benefit of my notebook having two HD bays (without compromising the optical bay) so I could easily live with a smaller SSD OS drive and a larger, traditional drive for storage. In the end run I'd like to have a 128-SSD/1TB-7200 setup, but I'm currently too busy/lazy to change from the 500-XT/500-7200. I'm nowhere near capacity on either drive.

A more pressing and annoying thing to deal with is a strong desire to have a better NAS/backup setup.

My LaCie Network Space MAX 2Tb is pretty reliable, however when it's serving variable bit rate music (ALAC, VBR MP3) on the shared drive the bitrate and song length is reported incorrectly. Once I play the songs, the time and bitrate changes to the correct amount. I spent 2 months with a service ticket with LacCie before I gave up hope. Even after 3 updates in 5 months they haven't fixed my problem, although they posted that the update is supposed to fix this.

I had even bigger problems with a Netgear Stora.

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Because there were very few things done to make use of the 3d. It wasn't core to the story. And it was dark enough already without losing more light to the 3d glasses.
It was post-produced 3d and according to at least one review that I read, a terrible job of it. Also, as Dan said (and the reviewer noted) it's a dark movie and hurt by the 3d process as a result.
Well, the darkness issue is a setup problem -- they're supposed to project it brighter to compensate for the glasses, which is why not all theaters can play 3D movies -- they need higher lumens bulbs or whatever...moar light. Anything else is just, "they're doing it wrong". Of course, that doesn't explain why the 2D version is dark, other than (a) it's a dark film, as you said (I can see from the trailers that quite a bit is set at night, or in the jungle in the shadows), and (B) it wasn't rendered and/or transfered and/or "mastered" (or whatever the photography word is) well.

So who knows, the 3D version might be slightly less dark, due to setup variations. Of course, if the movie is already dark, that's a different issue, but shouldn't really be associated with the 3D issue -- other than it makes the post-processing slightly harder on the eyes. I think (don't really have enough personal experience to know for sure -- I would actually intuit dark movies would be easier to render and see post-processed 3D, but all evidence so far points to the contrary).

That said, I will stay away from post-processed 3D -- I don't see the point. So appreciate that little bit of info. (And no, not all live action 3D movies are post-process.)

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Yeah, I figured you were making an exception for the JH13's, but I didn't realize the HF2's were your last headphones when you got rid of them.

So it's not like you said "I don't wear headphones anymore" that much anyway, you're not going to be missing a lot by not be able to say that.

Smells like a double negative in there somewhere, but I think it's fine.

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Dan and Dusty's Syrah purchases have had an influence on me I guess. Today I received a confirmation on my order from March for Alban Reva and Alban Roussanne. Oh, and more rocks, plants and lights.

Edited by Augsburger
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Spritzer, that's, what? Your umpteenth set?

Over the years I've had a few dozen but this would be the third SR-007 for my collection. They are all a bit different though. The plan is to have every Omega version here when the SR-009 arrives, SR-Omega, SR-007 Mk1, SR-007A SZ2 version and SR-007 Mk2 SZ3 version.

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Dan and Dusty's Syrah purchases have had an influence on me I guess. Today I received a confirmation on my order from March for Alban Reva and Alban Roussanne. Oh, and more rocks, plants and lights.

Evidently also bought some Ojai Rose and another 2005 Roll Ranch Syrah. Ojai also makes a nice Reisling and Viognier so that will be my next purchase next week.

Edited by Augsburger
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