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just the Klipsch Heresys to see what they were all about and the LSA monitors that while really good did not work for me. I have had my eye on the Alon Lotus series for a few years and if a Lotus Elite Signature came up at a good price I would dump this pair for them of if some Alon Circes came up same thing but for now these are brilliant.

Anyone in the area want to hear them just drop me a line

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Ian, love the green glass for a back splash. I keep thinking I need to start spending money on my home, making it look nice, but then I always seem to find other things to spend money on and say "nevermind" to myself again. At least your post got me thinking again.

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Thanks everyone. I'm pretty excited. My kitchen wasn't just an apartment kitchen that carried over from the condo conversion. It was a SHITTY apartment kitchen that carried over! So this is a huge change, and I can't wait to have the space to actually cook for a change.

And I went back and forth about the backsplash... The place I found that had both the varied sizes and the 1x1, and I decided to go with the one pictured. But it was a tough call, as the 1x1 is very nice looking as well.

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2 tickets to see Neko Case @ the Berklee Performance Center in Boston, MA on April 11th.


:ian: 2 tickets to see Neko Case in Raleigh on April 7th :ian:

Thanks for the heads up there.... I figured she would be touring soon since her new album is coming out soon.

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