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I have gone off the deep end, but I am a huge Heifetz fan and after briefly compared the Beethoven Heifetz violin concerto on cd to 45 rpm vinyl it wasn't even close how much more real the vinyl sounded. 9 RCA Living Stereo RCA albums single sided 45 rpm, total of 33 slabs in a metal carrying case.



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Good luck with that Chris. It looks like it had a nice little campfire going already. :eek:

That is some serious carnage, best of luck with the repair!

Thanks guys. Fortunately, the damage is in the APC section (some sort of protection circuit that worked real nice, as you can see :rofl:). The two 8-pin DIP sockets you can see were populated by a couple of chips that split in half... been quite awhile since I have seen that.

That portion is disabled now, with only the actual output circuitry still connected. The output FETs for these are unobtainable, and must be very closely matched. It appears they are OK, but I'll find out presently. I don't have the schematic, so am depending upon a couple of ex-Counterpoint service people on diya to guide me right now. Feels funny flying blind.


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Picked up the Pete Millett Unnecessarily Complex 300B Amplifier before coming in to the office today. The seller had it set up in his system with Phy HP full-range drivers in some pretty serious cabinets. It sounded fantastic and I am not even sure what he was using for the preamp because he had so much gear it was hard to differentiate. He very kindly switched it out from 16 ohm to 8 ohm while I waited and we played it again to see that it was working. The change tipped the sound up a bit on his 16 ohm drivers but it still sounded very nice. I'm excited to hear this with the Cicadas and K1000s especially, but I think it could really improve the Heresys as well. :ian:

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Another pair of Vibram Five Fingers


I bought a pair of these for myself and another pair for my g/f this summer. The company I bought them from pulled a bait and switch on us! They sent a cheaper model in both cases, and won't respond to my emails.

I finally gave up and started using them. My pair doesn't fit (my little toe doesn't reach into it's intended slot at all) so I've never actually worn them. Just tried them on a couple of time. My g/f's pair fit perfectly and she loves them, so I guess that was worth the $171 that it cost me for what would have been about $60 for the pair that we actually received (for her).

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I bought a pair of these for myself and another pair for my g/f this summer. The company I bought them from pulled a bait and switch on us! They sent a cheaper model in both cases, and won't respond to my emails.

I finally gave up and started using them. My pair doesn't fit (my little toe doesn't reach into it's intended slot at all) so I've never actually worn them. Just tried them on a couple of time. My g/f's pair fit perfectly and she loves them, so I guess that was worth the $171 that it cost me for what would have been about $60 for the pair that we actually received (for her).


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I'm not Miguel, but have used these for a few years now. You can get them from Amazon, etc. They apparently have a plastic lens version out now for less money (LX models), but I would go with the glass lens DA models. Note that you can get additional lens plates for different magnifications, and they are easy and quick to change out. The product is by Donegal and is called an Optivisor.

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I did smart ass:p but I needed the brand name because I kept getting the low, 2x power on the reading glasses type magnifiers and I had no idea those things were even called "optivisors".

Thanks Pars, I tried amazon since that appears to be where Miguel found his but again, I kept getting the cheap plastic lense 1.5-2X powered ones and I need much stronger ones. Now that I have a model name for the Donegans I have a better shot at it. :)

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