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out of your srd7 :)

Even more awesome!! :) Speaking of SRD-7's, I got the Pro bias PCB's yesterday and hope to test them today or tomorrow. The only issue I have with the design as of now is that the fuse holder I'm using is too tall (the plastic cover touches one of the transformers) and one resistor pad is too close to the metal support for comfort. Nylon washers should fix both issues.

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Nice! I really liked the SWL 9.0SE that was lent to me a while back. Are the only changes from the 9.0SE the phono section and outboard ps?

I think so. The Sig has the tube rectified PSU and Modwright teflon/oil caps. Some details from Modwright:

The SWLP 9.0SE is our answer to the 'complete' preamp, featuring a SWL 9.0SE tube linestage with external power supply and built-in full SWP 9.0SE tube phono stage.

Unlike other manufacturers who offer secondary phono options to their preamps, we literally combined our SWP 9.0SE phono and SWL 9.0SE linestage into one product.

The phono stage is installed inside the 9.0SE, where the power supply is normally installed. As a result, the power supply is made outboard, connected to the preamp with high-quality amphenol connectors and custom 10-conductor umbilical.

One of the advantages of this approach is to allow for ultra-quiet phono operation, with the power transformer well way from the sensitive high-gain phono circuits.

The SWLP 9.0SE functions as a standard tube linestage, with multiple line-level inputs, remote volume control, tape out and home theater bypass.

When used as a phono stage, not only is the cartridge loading set via internal dip switches for MM or MC loading, but gain (max 68dB) is infinitely variable. The volume control impedance is calculated as part of the RIAA filter and sits between the second and third gainstage. The linestage circuitry also serves as the final gainstage for phono.


  • MM & MC Phono Inputs with Cartridge Loading (Internal Dip switch settings)
  • Five standard inputs: CD, tuner, DVD, Ht/BP, Aux.1
  • Front Panel Controls Include: Mute, Power, Stereo/Mono, HT/BP (Home Theater Bypass) and Volume control
  • Remote Control Volume and Mute


[*]Tube Complement: (2) 6C45 (Sovtek), (2) 6n1P (Sovtek), (2) NOS 5687 dual triodes

[*]Gain: 68dB Max MC gain

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Well, the seller turned out to be a pain in the ass about this transaction so I bailed on him and bought a different pair of SR-Omegas, complete with cardboard and wooden boxes, a Stax extension cord, a Stax stand, and an SRM-T1W all for $100 more than the first guy's Omegas (with extra headband, pads, and spritzer provenance). >:D





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Well, the seller turned out to be a pain in the ass about this transaction so I bailed on him and bought a different pair of SR-Omegas, complete with cardboard and wooden boxes, a Stax extension cord, a Stax stand, and an SRM-T1W all for $100 more than the first guy's Omegas (with extra headband, pads, and spritzer provenance). >:D

I'd be happy to give you $100 for the SRM-T1W. :indra:

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Well, the seller turned out to be a pain in the ass about this transaction so I bailed on him and bought a different pair of SR-Omegas, complete with cardboard and wooden boxes, a Stax extension cord, a Stax stand, and an SRM-T1W all for $100 more than the first guy's Omegas (with extra headband, pads, and spritzer provenance). >:D

Nice, Al! Is the T1W you're getting black model or regular model?

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Congrats Al and if you bring them to CJ'10 then I'd be happy to go over them for you. :)

The black ones were a later series made by new Stax methinks.

AFAIK there were no black T1W's, only different shades of the gunmetal gray.

Edited by spritzer
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