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Still hoping I don't regret selling mine. With my luck you will find a way to make it better than the O2 Mk1.

I have a few theory's that I need to try but a fully modded unit is just like the Mk1 but with a bit more kick in the bass and slightly more forward. I quite like it actually... :)

I also have Craig looking for a "cheap" SR-007A which I would then mod and let you guys try out by sending it too meets.

Weren't you going to get the special edition?

Do you mean the SR-404 Limited Edition? I've already bought one of those... ;D

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don't forget that you need interfacing material on both sides of the Kapton.

Yup, got that too :) The sheets showed up yesterday; I must say I'm a bit surprised at just how thin 1mil actually is. Did you get around to playing with the roll-on TIM?

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