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Thanks, now I'm going to have that stuck in my head all day. (Actually, I had Pat Benatar stuck in my head earlier, because someone posted the lyrics to Heartbreaker in another forum, so it'll be more of a medley. Medleys are the worst.)

And: man sure knows how to blow a ...erm... whistle.

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I'm really not at all homophobic, but it still pisses me off that they had a carpenter/construction worker in the group.

Every time I have to put on a hardhat I think of that guy, and it's just kind of ... well emasculating.

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I'm really not at all homophobic, but it still pisses me off that they had a carpenter/construction worker in the group.

Every time I have to put on a hardhat I think of that guy, and it's just kind of ... well emasculating.

I know just how you feel. Every time I wear my big faggy leather outfit I think of the guy in the big faggy leather outfit.


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how's the reliability of the cavalry brand? haven't heard of it before

Well the one I had earlier was flawless, but I only had it for a short time. I have used LaCie, WD, Seagate and Fantom Drives too. I prefer the Cavalry to all of them. It is the quietest of the bunch, the coolest temp. of the bunch, and it also comes with eSata, in the best packaging of any drive I've ever got. They have some similar models for about $50 more that offer raid capabilities too. For my current needs, I wanted maximum storage space in as little physical space as possible (so I got JBOD). Hopefully this one will be just as quiet and cool as the last one I had. 8)

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I'll post my impressions after some burn-in and listening. I'm hopeful they will be my final closed can...at least for now.

they are good cans. excellent resolution, imaging, and soundstage, but not enough bass body for my tastes. They are also very comfortable.

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