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According to Audio-Technica, the w100 never existed. ;D

I contacted them for a few parts, and they gave me part numbers for w1000 parts. I wrote back, and said so no w100 parts then? The parts guy told me he assumed I meant w1000 since the w100 doesn't exist. Oops.

I don't really blame them, cause the U.S. parts people responded and it was a Japan product. I still thought it was funny.

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We had punch? I don't remember drinking punch, but I vaguely recall drinking beer. Or maybe that was another time.

No, I think you are right. Whatever he was spiking the drinks with must have tasted vaguely of punch... and he put more in mine than yours. :D
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Clearly, we are all victims of a grand conspiracy. Either that or we're all suffering a mass delusion.

or maybe its some kind of Grand Illusion?

"But dont be fooled by the radio

The tv or the magazines

They show you photographs of how your life should be

But they're just someone elses fantasy

So if you think your life is complete confusion

Because you never win the game

Just remember that its a grand illusion

And deep inside we're all the same.

We're all the same..."

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