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I'm still trying to think through ways to keep this forum different from another place we know. Right now, the level of discourse here is much higher than at that other place, in part because we are confirmed hobbyists, without a large influx of newbies stumbling over us. That is likely to eventually change, though, and I think we should try and find ways to keep forums focussed on sound, particularly the high end. So, as a start, how about a forum titled "What should I buy?" or "Is this the right gear for me?" or something along those lines. This could serve as a focal point for all of the questions of this nature, be it headphones, amp, source, or whatever. This might help the other forums keep their discussions focussed by drawing the inevitable personal purchase questions to a separate place. Just a thought. Not useful now, but might be useful later when real newbies start showing up.


I second that suggestion.

Having a sticky FAQ with general guidelines would also be useful. Example:

Q: "How much should I spend on A/B/C?"

A: "When purchasing new audio gear, decide in advance how much your total budget will be and plan after it. Try to allocate equal portions of it to the source, amplifier and headphone purchases to avoid potential bottlenecks in the audio chain."

Q: "How will I know what's right for me?"

A: "Try to audition as much gear as possible and most importantly USE YOUR OWN EARS!"


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