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To my Head-Case friends...


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I know some may take offense at what I'm about to post and others will simply ignore me, but it's something I must say/post.

To every poster here who's using/abusing drugs/alcohol....I beg you....please get help before it's too late. If you haven't started but are considering taking that step....run as hard and as fast as you can in the other direction. You have no idea what lies ahead if you choose this path....no idea at all.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families.:(

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I know some may take offense at what I'm about to post and others will simply ignore me, but it's something I must say/post.

To every poster here who's using/abusing drugs/alcohol....I beg you....please get help before it's too late. If you haven't started but are considering taking that step....run as hard and as fast as you can in the other direction. You have no idea what lies ahead if you choose this path....no idea at all.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families.:(

Well said. :)

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Personally I feel there's nothing wrong with the responsible use of alcohol & other drugs. If you want to drink, smoke, or shoot up, I have no objections to it as long as you don't ruin your life or run over little kids while driving drunk or something stupid like that.

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To add to the OP, I guess the same could be said about smoking. We had to break the news to a 37 yro gentleman that he has lung cancer. He's leaving behind two young children.

Yup. That's how my dad went back in 03, although he was 62.

I really just don't understand how anyone can take up smoking today with what we ALL know about it.

The additional insult to injury is: Cigs are expensive, to boot!

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Yup. That's how my dad went back in 03, although he was 62.

I really just don't understand how anyone can take up smoking today with what we ALL know about it.

The additional insult to injury is: Cigs are expensive, to boot!

FWIW I quit smoking in March, after having smoked a pack a day for 7 years or so. Nicotine is crazy, crazy addictive. I still crave one, though its purely in my head. The physical effects passed after just a few days.

However, the results as far as health and overall well being are nothing short of astounding. Being able to take one, big, deep breath that goes all the way to the tickly ends of my lungs is an experience I haven't had since I was a kid. I can exercise now, too. Before cigarettes made any kind of aerobic exercise (jogging etc) near impossible. Now I'm slowly working a run into my daily regiment.

But, I opted to start my online support me quit smoking thread over at the fountain pen network, since they are nicer then you bastards. ;)

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I know some may take offense at what I'm about to post and others will simply ignore me, but it's something I must say/post.

To every poster here who's using/abusing drugs/alcohol....I beg you....please get help before it's too late. If you haven't started but are considering taking that step....run as hard and as fast as you can in the other direction. You have no idea what lies ahead if you choose this path....no idea at all.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families.:(


Too bad Lindsay Lohan didn't listen.

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Personally I feel there's nothing wrong with the responsible use of alcohol & other drugs. If you want to drink, smoke, or shoot up, I have no objections to it as long as you don't ruin your life or run over little kids while driving drunk or something stupid like that.

Pretty much sums up my opinion as well.

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FWIW I quit smoking in March, after having smoked a pack a day for 7 years or so. Nicotine is crazy, crazy addictive. I still crave one, though its purely in my head. The physical effects passed after just a few days.

However, the results as far as health and overall well being are nothing short of astounding. Being able to take one, big, deep breath that goes all the way to the tickly ends of my lungs is an experience I haven't had since I was a kid. I can exercise now, too. Before cigarettes made any kind of aerobic exercise (jogging etc) near impossible. Now I'm slowly working a run into my daily regiment.

But, I opted to start my online support me quit smoking thread over at the fountain pen network, since they are nicer then you bastards. ;)

Good for you! :)

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i definitely have a problem with abusive users of drugs and alcohol. i've lost plenty of family members to that.

...however, i am underage and always drink alcohol at parties. i guess that makes me retarded, right?

I've always been of the view that if you're brought up moderate alcohol consumption habits then you're less likely to go off the deep end once you reach adulthood. In France for example it's common to give young children watered down wine with meals so they view alcohol as a normal part of life rather than something taboo (and hence, enticing). I don't know about how things work in the US but here in New Zealand many teenagers seem to hang out until the time they can legally start drinking and go from having no alcohol at all to getting completely blind drunk overnight. They seem to see the right to excessive drink as some kind of new freedom they have to partake in and let it cast a shadow on the rest of their life. I'm personally of Scottish descent and enjoy spirits (especially whisky), beer and wine myself but it's always in moderation. It's just not enjoyable any more when it starts causing negative effects on other parts of your life or the life of others.

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I've always been of the view that if you're brought up moderate alcohol consumption habits then you're less likely to go off the deep end once you reach adulthood. In France for example it's common to give young children watered down wine with meals so they view alcohol as a normal part of life rather than something taboo (and hence, enticing). I don't know about how things work in the US but here in New Zealand many teenagers seem to hang out until the time they can legally start drinking and go from having no alcohol at all to getting completely blind drunk overnight. They seem to see the right to excessive drink as some kind of new freedom they have to partake in and let it cast a shadow on the rest of their life. I'm personally of Scottish descent and enjoy spirits (especially whisky), beer and wine myself but it's always in moderation. It's just not enjoyable any more when it starts causing negative effects on other parts of your life or the life of others.

yeah, i don't think i will ever go down the wrong road when it comes to alcohol. i am probably the only person that can see two feet in front of himself after it's all over. i don't like to bring this up on the internet because normally people assume i am trying to gain some sort of "respect" from it; it has probably taken me 10 minutes to write this short message... i guess my only defense is i don't want to be the only jerkoff at the party not having any fun.

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