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Looks like Stallone is not stopping with the latest Rocky....

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He's also bringing back Rambo for one more go. The trailer does have some pretty graphic content so...... :angel: :angel:


That trailer is pretty hardcore.

At first I rolled my eyes and laughed at the idea that this movie was being made, but here's where it could be good: If it's handled in the same manner like Rocky Balboa was, where you get back to the basics and heart of what made the series what it was, dump the over the top comic book hero elements, and the main character is fairly realisitic for his age...this might be halfway decent.

I hadn't seen First Blood in many years until I bought the Blu-Ray version last month and while it's a little dated in some parts...that's a damned good movie. If this new Rambo film gets back to something more along those lines I think they can pull it off.


i didn't like the way stallone marketed "rock balboa" as a christian movie to preachers and their congregations. kind of like certain politicians promising mega churches the world for their vote.

link to story

from the above link:

"Sylvester Stallone is going to new heights to promote his latest film Rocky Balboa. He's trying to tap into the huge evangelical market that powered the success of films such as The Passion of the Christ, even hiring the same marketing company behind that film.

Stallone held a teleconference with Christian leaders, to talk about what he says is his own spiritual reawakening.

Rocky Balboa, the sixth movie in the Rocky series, opens today nationwide. It's actually getting decent reviews from film critics, and from the pulpit."

fuck that guy and his illegal hormones. he's not getting my money.

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