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I'm in the process of fixing up a HE60 I found in very poor condition. I've replaced the pads and headband, and thankfully the plastic housing is in pretty good shape. The cable seems like its the stock cable, but with a very shoddy stax retermination. The previous owner took very poor care of them and listened to them for years with a Woo Audio amp, and unsurprisingly the drivers are on their last legs (intermittent pops and high pitch whining when plugged into an amp). Thankfully I also have found some new old stock replacement drivers. I also have found a replacement orpheus cable with a 4.7 MOhm bias resistor.

Unfortunately, when it comes to soldering and electrical work, I am a complete novice. I know the middle wires on each side are the bias, but the other two wires on the stock cable are only labeled by color. In one cup it is red/green, and on the other side it is yellow/blue (wtf???). The new cable is a stax style cable with the wires labeled with a solid gray line on one side and a dashed gray line on the other. However I don't know what the gray lines indicate (positive? negative?). Like I said, I'm a noob.

Does anyone know what I should do?

Here is an album of pictures: https://imgur.com/a/IzTDj6h


What a hackjob of a cable!!  Anyway... attached is the correct wiring from Sennheiser with one caveat, they wired them backwards with the -  to the front stators.  Stax do it the other way around. 

With a Stax cable, the line is the + pin, the middle wire is the bias and the last one is the -.  So what I would do is take the line to the front stator (closer to the ear).  Middle is the middle one and then the last one. 


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