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not enough current for the low impedance phones. probably work fine with a pair of Senns, though.

I edited my post to remove that very statement since I had not listened to the balanced HD650s directly out of my Lavry DA10 just for your benefit.

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It must mean that you have heard the HD650s balanced directly from the Lavry DA10 if I understand you correctly since posting about any impressions that one has not directly heard is verboten here at Head-case.


actually, now that i think about it, i can scratch the "probably" out, as i tested a super-duper Enigma Audio balanced cable with Furutech XLRs on an HD650 at a meet (i do believe the infamous meet) with the Lavry, and it worked just fine.

Thanks for the clarification.


definitely. i always though that, on paper, the Opera had a lot of potential, but after hearing about the problems it had driving some phones, i lost interest.

I distinctly remember someone on Head-Fi getting two Operas for simultaneous use ("pseudo" pre-power amp configuration). A bit costly though.


Ok, I think I've narrowed down my choices to:

- Lavry DA10 (it's actually cheaper than the Benchmark DAC1 here in Sydney, Australia) + Balanced HD650, or

- HeadRoom Balanced Desktop Package

The first option would be a bit cheaper. I'll also see if I can find someone that can re-wire my AKG with balanced cables here.

I'll continue using my current set up for the time being and see how I like it. Perhaps it's good enough that I decide not to spend any more money.


Ok, I think I've narrowed down my choices to:

- Lavry DA10 (it's actually cheaper than the Benchmark DAC1 here in Sydney, Australia) + Balanced HD650, or

- HeadRoom Balanced Desktop Package

The first option would be a bit cheaper. I'll also see if I can find someone that can re-wire my AKG with balanced cables here.

I'll continue using my current set up for the time being and see how I like it. Perhaps it's good enough that I decide not to spend any more money.

I would not recommend using the Lavry to drive headphones as a long-term solution out of its balanced outputs, which just does not deliver enough power.

And really, balanced isn't everything: my old single-ended Dynahi wiped the floor with the Lavry DA10 driving the HD650s single-ended, and the Lavry was driving the HD650s with the balanced outputs.


I would not recommend using the Lavry to drive headphones as a long-term solution out of its balanced outputs, which just does not deliver enough power.

And really, balanced isn't everything: my old single-ended Dynahi wiped the floor with the Lavry DA10 driving the HD650s single-ended, and the Lavry was driving the HD650s with the balanced outputs.

I agree the Lavry would and should not be the long term solution but for an interim solution before he gets a balanced amp but it might let hear some progression as he developed his equipment along.

Comparing the Dynahi to the Lavry as an amp is almost comparing apples and oranges. Yea, their both amps but they are certainly not in the same league with each other as amps but the Lavry is an adequate amp for the short term.


Yes, the idea is if I get the Lavry, I can get an amp in the future (HeadAmp GS-X, perhaps).

How good is the DAC in the HeadRoom? If it's not much worse than the Lavry then getting the HeadRoom package would be the end solution for me.


Yes, the idea is if I get the Lavry, I can get an amp in the future (HeadAmp GS-X, perhaps).

How good is the DAC in the HeadRoom? If it's not much worse than the Lavry then getting the HeadRoom package would be the end solution for me.

and end solution with less options for the future unless you sell it to get another Dac.. I have nothing against the Headroom solution but I would think it limits your options.


and end solution with less options for the future unless you sell it to get another Dac.. I have nothing against the Headroom solution but I would think it limits your options.

That's true, but I'm a real scrooge so that would force me not to spend anymore money. ;D


I distinctly remember someone on Head-Fi getting two Operas for simultaneous use ("pseudo" pre-power amp configuration). A bit costly though.

That was probably Reiner (RichterDi).He got tired of it and asked Jan (as aforementioned) to mod one of his Operas for high gain.
  • 3 months later...

Damn, I was just going to buy Opera when these ill reviews and comments jumped before my eyes. And I even have akg k701 as my primary headphones. Should I just say to Jan to raise the high gain by a little margin if he can.


Damn, I was just going to buy Opera when these ill reviews and comments jumped before my eyes. And I even have akg k701 as my primary headphones. Should I just say to Jan to raise the high gain by a little margin if he can.

I only have to turn mine to high gain on quieter stuff with my K240DF but it does the job.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I think I've narrowed down my choices to:

- Lavry DA10 (it's actually cheaper than the Benchmark DAC1 here in Sydney, Australia) + Balanced HD650, or

- HeadRoom Balanced Desktop Package

The first option would be a bit cheaper. I'll also see if I can find someone that can re-wire my AKG with balanced cables here.

I'll continue using my current set up for the time being and see how I like it. Perhaps it's good enough that I decide not to spend any more money.

From a performance standpoint as a source, I'd at least have to give the thumbs down on the DA10. Few products have given me such a case of "That's it? I don't get it..." as the DA10. With all the hype on head-fi, I thought maybe it'd be at least decent performance (for the cost, anyhow) and what I found was a pretty mediocre overall performance. Not sure it would work so hot driving directly from the outputs, either. Maybe the Desktop Balanced would be a better way to go; I'm not sure since I haven't tried it nor do I really know much about what it looks like inside.

Osjur - I didn't much care for the Opera w/ K701 when I tried it. I don't know why Meier likes the LM6171/BUF634 combo so much; I found it to be bad news sonically in my own experiments and Meier's stuff hasn't disabused me of that impression.


Filbert, your response is to a fairly old post. Why bring up an issue with the DA10 now?


Filbert what do you expect from a source; i.e., "..case of "That's it? I don't get it." From my perspective of what a source is supposed to do that is a very good endorsement of the DA10. It gets out of the way and you should not hear it. I hear the music instead of the source.

I conjecture that same may say the DA10 is not musical or it does not do something else but isn't "not being there" a source thing for a source? At least that was the stated goal of Dan Lavry to produce a product that is not there for all practical purposes, the proverbial straight wire.

Apparently from your post he achieved his design goal and did it well. If I want to change the sound profile of my system then I would change the amp/tubes or EQ the sound at the end of the chair until then keep it as pure as possible, at least that is my personal goal.

  • 1 month later...

Sorry, for answering so lately to a post which is allready a longtime around but to be honest I just signed up at head case. Mainly I was interested in some STAX amp comparisons.

I just wanted to throw in my thoughts about the Opera as a sort of longterm user. I think the Opera is from all the non-balanced amps I heard so far (CEC HD53, RA1, different tube amps eg. Diabolo, Lehmann, ...) one of the best. I really think that he provides a lot of detail and a very neutral tonality. I can understand that some people are not over enthusiastic of the K701 or HD 650 combo with the Opera (I personally would prefer the CEC HD53 especially for the K701) but I can assure you that the combination with my Edition 9 is really doing an awesome job.


I used the Opera for a while too, and I prefer the M^3 to it. In comparison, the Opera "flattened out" the music although it does go wider. I prefer the livelinesss of the M^3 and also think it has more bass goodness.


Wow, didn't realise that this thread has been dug up.

Damn, I was just going to buy Opera when these ill reviews and comments jumped before my eyes. And I even have akg k701 as my primary headphones. Should I just say to Jan to raise the high gain by a little margin if he can.

When I had the Opera, K701 and 1212m, low gain was plenty loud for me.

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