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Koss KSC75 vs Grado SR-60 vs Grado HP-2 on Blues


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Alright this comparison arose out of complete boredom :P

My Melos SHA-1 has two headphone outs and I keep the KSC75 (screen modded) plugged in at all times to act as a dummy load for the amp when it's turned on, and then plug the HP-2 (flats) in after the tubes have warmed up. Today I forgot to unplug the KSC75 and noticed they were still plugged in after I was about half way through one of the discs. So I decided to do some switching between my HP-2 and the KSC75 :D

Also I'll say I used only one album for this comparison. My friend let me borrow his Martin Scorsese Presents The Blues box set (which is great, albeit very condensed) so I was rocking out to this all afternoon, making sure it was as unproductive as possible. So some of the music was new to me, but I was very familiar with most of it ie Clapton, BB King, SRV, Derek and the Dominos, etc.



So first thing these two headphones sound very different. After switching from the overly bright KSC the HP-2 sound much more laid back and a bit dark. Keeping the HP-2 on for a few minutes and everything goes back to sounding natural, like this is how the electric blues should sound. The KSC are a bit bass light (though they have more midbass) and greatly lacking in impact. Vocals are presented very, very upfront and center with the KSC, and most of the time electric guitars were layered right on top of the vocals. With the HP-2 vocals are a bit further back, more airy, more 3-D like the singer is in the room with you; exceptional depth. HP-2 with electric guitars the guitar is slightly further back and 1/4" behind the ear but doesn't lack any bite or crunch. With the KSC and percussion the snare drum hits are the most obvious part of kit, with the HP-2 you feel the kickdrum then hear the snare. Which leads me to believe that extension isn't all that great with the KSC since the kickdrums are almost absent unless you're really trying to listen to them. Very simply put the HP-2 has a lot of weight to the sound, which makes this recording sound very analog. For lack of a better descriptor, the KSC makes me painfully aware that I'm listening to a CD. On detail retrieval I'm not really familiar with this box set so micro detail in the voices like a breath out, breath in, licking their lips were all heard with the HP-2. Imaging on the KSC seems great at first, but the HP-2 is just razor sharp in where it places instruments.

Second comparison is with the KSC75 and SR-60 (using HD414 pads with no hole cut out).

A bit more fair since they're more similar. Still the SR-60 share a few traits with the HP-2.

Wow, ok I this is the first time I've heard my SR-60 out of the Melos SHA-1, it was in long term storage for a while. The SR-60 are not bass light by any means. It has great impact and bass. Crushes the KSC75 in my setup. The SR-60 lacks that last bit of extension to make these sound truly hifi, but they're still fun to listen to. Voices are presented more similar to the KSC, they're a bit thin and lacking any emotion. I'll have to repeat myself because wow electric bass lines are very forward and well textured like the HP-2. Electric guitars tend to emphasize the higher end of the spectrum so they tend to sound a bit sizzly, but still carry some nice weight (unlike the KSC). Micro and macro detail are nearly identical. Vocals are actually more forward with the SR-60, but lack depth and realism. Again I feel midrange is more true with the SR-60.


I have to say I'm very surprised with this Scorsese boxset. I'd highly recommend it to anyone new to to the blues. For someone that loves the blues I thought it was a bit too condensed, but not much you can do with only 5 discs. My friend feels differently, he's a film nut but has been into the blues longer than me and he loves the box set. Regardless how you look at it, it's presented in an effortless fashion... I could listen to all 5 discs in one sitting if I had time.


I wrote up those impressions purely how headphonereviews.org does it, without taking price into consideration. Now if I had to rank them purely dollar for dollar for the performance they offer I would say SR-60 >>> KSC75 > HP-2.

On a purely performance scale I would rank them HP-2 >>> SR-60 >>>> KSC75 assuming you have good upstream gear and music.

TGIF, hope you enjoyed it O0

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