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The move to ever thinner diaphragms is a fallacy IMO as there is nothing that really justifies it.  Stax are lost in their PEEK films now but the SR-Omega at 1.5um or the 007 at 1.35um aren't bad.  :)  I'm also sure they aren't using mylar as there are simply better materials out there now so any comparison simply based on thickness is completely moot. 

That said the resolution of the new 007Mk2's is simply stunning.  Too bad they have to spoil it with the stupid port crap. 


I've never been in that "thinner = better SQ" thing, BTW. I was only commenting thickness vs. diaphragm tensioning :P But material properties / stiffness (elastic domain vs. plastic domain) are probably as much important as the thickness in that issue, and comparison to whatever material Stax uses (or did use in the past) may be completely irrelevant.



I've never been in that "thinner = better SQ" thing, BTW. I was only commenting thickness vs. diaphragm tensioning :P But material properties / stiffness (elastic domain vs. plastic domain) are probably as much important as the thickness in that issue, and comparison to whatever material Stax uses (or did use in the past) may be completely irrelevant.


We might know if we had an ionophone headphone for comparison. These use no diaphragm at all.  I saw an ionophone speaker at an audio shop in SoCal some years ago. However it wasn't working. 


Spritzer are you able to get a hold of technical information on the construction and parameters of the drivers used in the new Orpheus? (D/S gap, film type, coating type, holes on stator etc?).


Going to LA to see this in a couple of days.  You guys got any suggestions of what questions to ask?

Not specific to the HE1060, but if they feel like talking about it any information on the HD800S is more than welcome.


 I asked about the price of solo headsets but they just don't know yet.  They would also be useless without the amp. 

Spritzer are you able to get a hold of technical information on the construction and parameters of the drivers used in the new Orpheus? (D/S gap, film type, coating type, holes on stator etc?).

They will not share anything about this, as of yet.  My guess is that they never will as why would they?  Doesn't make any sense to have us picking over the schematics and showing what is undoubtedly a piss poor amp design. 

That just leaves buying a set and taking it apart which is a 50k$ gamble.  If I did something like that than it would be to design a superior amplifier and not share the findings with everyone.  You can thank scum like Cavalli for that... 


Going to LA to see this in a couple of days.  You guys got any suggestions of what questions to ask?

"Can my buddy n3rdling come?" :D

They're also having a waiting list for hearing these at CES.  I emailed them to get on it but no response.

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I've just run a patent search for "Sennheiser and electrostatic." I expected to find some new art that is used in this new device--came up empty, unless what they're doing is adapting one of their many microphone patents to the headphone realm, or relying on trade secret protection, which can be reverse-engineered. That's pretty interesting.

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My full thoughts will be up today on IF. Basically, Sennheiser did this because they could, I applaud the sentiment.

The headphones will not be sold separately unless you're getting them for a second pair to the system you already have.

The sound was world class for production gear...meaning it was good, but maybe not great. It was meaty and had heft, but it did sound a tad harsh to me.

I only listened for about 15 minutes. The rest of the time I spent talking to Axel...mostly about other stuff off the record. 

Maybe the most telling comment from Axel was that the new Orpheus customer is more likely than not a soccer player.

  • Like 10
11 hours ago, Tyll Hertsens said:

My full thoughts will be up today on IF. Basically, Sennheiser did this because they could, I applaud the sentiment.

The headphones will not be sold separately unless you're getting them for a second pair to the system you already have.

The sound was world class for production gear...meaning it was good, but maybe not great. It was meaty and had heft, but it did sound a tad harsh to me.

I only listened for about 15 minutes. The rest of the time I spent talking to Axel...mostly about other stuff off the record. 

Maybe the most telling comment from Axel was that the new Orpheus customer is more likely than not a soccer player.

Looks like I will have to give these a miss......    :lol::D:lol::D:rolleyes:B)


I'm curiously to hear your full thoughts of this system Tyll.  I sure wish that you spend a little more time listening to the system, but then again 15 mins of a private audition is really all you need any way.

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