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those are scary movies right? I don't do good with those movies...

Blair witch project fucked me up so bad I won't step foot in a forest at night..

I am more of a comedy guy, maybe a love story..wait


those are scary movies right? I don't do good with those movies...

Blair witch project fucked me up so bad I won't step foot in a forest at night..

I am more of a comedy guy, maybe a love story..wait

>:D Yup, horror movies. >:D

those are scary movies right? I don't do good with those movies...

Blair witch project fucked me up so bad I won't step foot in a forest at night..

I am more of a comedy guy, maybe a love story..wait

I didn't think I was much of a horror guy until I watched Saw. I'd enjoyed horror flicks before, but Saw really turned me onto the whole genre. Too bad there just isn't too much quality horror out there. Saw I is great, probably the best realized of the series. Saw II is highly entertaining, and essential to the trilogy as whole, but the acting on the part of the main character-cop is atrocious, on par with those softcore porno guys on Cinemax late night. Saw III, while not as tightly directed and as fully realized as Saw I, is my favorite out of them all. Really outstanding throughout, beautiful ending. I really really like the character Jigsaw, as well as the actor who plays him.

Anyway sounds like you wouldn't like them.


The current GS1 IS a dynalo. Justin is working to create a new version with more powerful circuits of his own design.

Are these the replacement modules I've read about? In a recent thread over at HF, a recent buyer of the GS-1 said Justin would provide these modules free to him when they were released. $175 value, IIRC. Pretty sweet way to keep sales up.

I like that the GS-1 has two inputs as well. This is a must have feature for me now that I use two sources regularly.


The current GS1 IS a dynalo. Justin is working to create a new version with more powerful circuits of his own design.

I thought he finished his work on the new modules.

OMG, I hated the third one; I thought the first and second ones were fantastic, though, a real return to form in the horror genre. I mean, they don't even show the infamous foot amputation scene. I saw an interview with the director where he was bragging about how gross one particular scene (the piercings scene) was -- in the first one, he has nothing to brag about, so he has to fall back on the story, so it's better for it.

Hated. Hated. Hated.

And the ending? Beautiful? It was obviously just an attempt to nicely wrap up the series, close off any loose ends. Obviously just pointless violence, nothing scary about that at all.

Billy -- you should see "Scary Movie 4" -- it's a sendup of a lot of movies in the style of Airplane (directed by the same guy). It should give you enough to appreciate what he's doing here. (I love the part where he motions to the other guy, "hey, come here, this one's going to do it"...)

Warning, it might ruin a few movies for you, so hopefully you've seen them all first -- War of the Worlds, Brokeback Mountain, The Village, Million Dollar Baby...I forget what else...oh, yeah, The Ring and The Grudge. But if you don't watch scary movies, then you won't care if movies like the Ring and The Grudge are ruined for you. Any others? You should probably check: link

...and also the one where Eminem is a rapper in a competition -- 8 Mile? Or was that from 3? I forget...


I have to admit that I find nothing lacking the presentation of my SS amp with Grados or otherwise.

I finally had a chance to sit down with Nate's Beta22 last night, and this has to be the best SS amp I've ever heard with Grados. The amp is sublime. At no point did I feel it was doing anything to the music, and it just made me grin ear to ear. If you have a chance to hear one, I'd definitely suggest doing so, and maybe you cand find a competent DIYer to build one. The bang-for-the-buck on this amp is incredible, though it's certainly not cheap.

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