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“We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to”, for example, “protect their customers” or “enforce the terms governing
the use of the services”.

I have not found a reason to upgrade my Windows 7 Ultimate install yet.  None of the new features would help make any of my workflow faster or more efficient that I can see.  I am also not impressed with all the change to boring 2D looking GUIs lately.  Fucking ugly.  Call me shallow or whatever, but I think modern computer/phone OSs should be slick and aesthetically pleasing out of the box.


I hate wasting all that CPU power, myself, so the first thing I turn off are all the animations and 3D effects.  Sorry.  (shrug)

Wrong thread Colin.


This is the Windows 10 upgrade thread, not the finally lost my virginity thread.

I don't know why they call it 'lost' -- I know exactly where mine is.


the only real tangible improvements were the tiling I just mentioned, and they've also cleaned up some of the ui animations. I think for "power users" with 2 or more displays it makes an even bigger difference than on my piddling laptop.

I have heard some grumbling about the un/forced sharing of user settings but I'm fine if Microsoft learns that I use gpu acceleration for my midget porn. I like to think I come out slightly positive on that exchange compared to the guy who has to data mine that information

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I don't really get it in that when the CPU is rendering those things whatever it would be stealing from is running in the background? Are you guys really running compute heavy tasks in the background all the time? I could see that at work for sure but at home why not keep the pretty stuff on? I guess if you do a lot of background animation/batch photo processing/etc it could be noticeable but even then I doubt it. If you don't like the 3D stuff and like the Windows 98 look then so be it but I don't see the animations as a waste on a modern multi-core machine.


Chris, wouldn't a lot of the graphics be handled by GPU these days?  CPU processing would be even more minimal....


I tend to turn off many of the tricks and treats myself in any case.  Part of it is due to the days where it made a difference, and part of it is I'm old and grumpy and like the interfaces to be simple.


Actually, I also think it's because I was never into gaming (well, since the very original Castle Wolfenstein in stunning EGA) that the nice effects never sucked me in.


Well, it started with my CSC computer, those things were so bloated down, that yes,it helped a bit. But then I started doing it at home, too, just to be consistent, I guess. And yes, the execution of that stuff is transferred to the GPU.


They really do.  Even my "top of the line" T440 isn't even made any more, and I got that just a year ago or so!


Can you imagine how profitable CSC would become if they actually gave some of us -- say, the top 10% most productive of us -- the right tools for the job?  The time I've spent struggling with both the computer itself and the bureaucracy surrounding it...and the energy I've lost...and the frustration I've gained...and the demoralization...


10 is great for users with multiple displays.  Can finally get a task bar on every screen which only shows the windows open on the screen... much like you can with OSX if you have used that.


I love the flat design trend of everything. I hate distractions and animation.


I had no issues updating... took about 45min, most of which was spent with the system coping files over and not the actual update it self.

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