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Oh no. I think I busted my RS-1s.


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i have plenty of tubes that have a start up pop, but then work fine once warmed up. with most of the tubes that exhibit start up pop, it's not very loud and i just don't worry about it. i have a couple very nice tubes (Sylvania bad boys) that have rather loud start up pop, but settle down just fine. with those, i just don't plug my phones in until about 30 seconds after i start the amp up. i haven't had any issues. are those the gold pins? if so, feel free to send them to me if you aren't going to use them any more ;)

O RLY? So that is safe to do on the PPX3, just wait until the tubes warm up before plugging in the cans?

If thats the case I'll just make that my standard practice.

And yeah, they are gold pins. But I'm keeping them now that you've given me a solution. :)

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hence the MS2i en route?

yup. kind of wish I could spring for the hp-2 insomniac is selling on hf, but he turned down an offer I made for his hp-2 + melos sha-gold, saying, "sorry, someone offered me close to that for just the headphones." :( Ouch, I didn't even know I was lowballing.

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yup. kind of wish I could spring for the hp-2 insomniac is selling on hf, but he turned down an offer I made for his hp-2 + melos sha-gold, saying, "sorry, someone offered me close to that for just the headphones." :( Ouch, I didn't even know I was lowballing.

How much did you offer? A SHA-Gold Reference in that condition would be close to $1000-1500.

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woot, rs-1s just showed up at work! made my weekend. can't wait to hear how they sound.

Note that Grado repaired the RS-1s and shipped them back to me before the Alessandros have even shipped. Earlier this week I emailed alessandro and they told me the ms2i was "backordered"... how can an item be backordered from the manufacturer?

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Guest sacd lover

the tubes actually made farting noise when I powered on the amp tonight. Have you ever heard a 15-20 pound dog do one of those little farts? It sounded like that.

They still sound great though. :)

Souinds like the tube is arching and probably has been. I would get them out of there before you damage your amp too. :'(

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So I'm having one of those moments... been weeks without my RS-1s, just listening to them for the first time since I got them back, MFSL Cream Disraeli Gears, "Sunshine of Your Love"...

I have a hard time grasping how it can get any better then this. I'm sure the HP-2 is a great can, but damn man... RS-1s are teh awsome can. And the tubes haven't even had but 5 minutes to warm up.

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Just so you know, the HP-2 isn't necessarily a better can, it's got a completely different signature. The RS-1's are pretty much the TOTL in the John Grado camp of cans. (Well, maybe the GS-1000...but that's arguable.) The HP-1000 series are the TOTL in the Joe Grado camp of cans.

Overgeneralization, but you get the idea. Try before you buy, this post is not to be misconstrued as anything more than free advice which is worth what you paid for it, yoda yoda yoda...

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Just so you know, the HP-2 isn't necessarily a better can, it's got a completely different signature. The RS-1's are pretty much the TOTL in the John Grado camp of cans. (Well, maybe the GS-1000...but that's arguable.) The HP-1000 series are the TOTL in the Joe Grado camp of cans.

Overgeneralization, but you get the idea. Try before you buy, this post is not to be misconstrued as anything more than free advice which is worth what you paid for it, yoda yoda yoda...

Sure, based on what I've read concerning the two cans' sound signatures, it is kind of ridiculous to try and say one is better then the other, just that one prefers Joe or John's sound signature better.

but hell I did it anyway, cause I'm a rebel. one day I'll get banned from here and start my own radical headphone forum.


I'm insanely curious about the GS1000, but I'm pretty sure I would hate it. I almost want to hear it, just so I can hate it.

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