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what's the point of the toilet snorkel?

never mind, googled it. it's to supply a fresh air supply during a fire. personally, i would just get the hell out of the building, instead of searching for a bathroom that wasn't on fire.

Yikes, if you've ever had a leaky wax ring on a toilet you'd never think about breathing the air that's down there. There's a reason that toilets are designed to maintain a water barrier between the air in the room and the air in the waste line. BLECH!!!!!
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That toilet snorkel is really bothering me. Sure, you don't die from smoke inhalation, but you could die from bulimia instead.

Did not mean to upset so. It came from a website about nutty patents, any one of which I found thoroughly amsuing. My sense of humor, I guess. I just picture the inventor trying out different models, getting his friends and family involved. "Here, honey, try this new hose. Did that work better than the last one?"

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Oh, you posting it isn't what bothered me, it's the concept that bothers me.

"Uh, I can't seem to get as much stinky air as the other one with the different diameter, but at least it's long enough this time to get through to the other side of the yicky water without having to lean almost all the way in. Daddy."

Oh, and I've seen worse. There's another forum that I'm on that has several sensitive women on it, and some of the guys go out of their way to be as gross as possible, trying to offend their sensibilities.

So, no problem.

My sense of humor is pretty bad, too. Are you familiar with Lenore, the Cute Little Dead Girl? The invention, in particular, reminds me of "The Thing What Came from the Poopy Chair".

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