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Is the Fox news channel always that kind of daft?

No, usually they're worse.

Srsly. Faux News is owned by Newscorp, which is headed by Rupert Murdoch. I believe he owns Sky News in the UK. Their report on Anonymous is pretty damn funny. Their coverage of the lead up to the Iraq war was not. It was enough to scare the teeth right out of Ann Coulter's vagina.

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Murdoch passionately hates the BBC. He hates the way it works, how its funded and it's output. I myself think that it's a fucking fabulous institution. I would gladly pay the fee that runs it just for the bits of it I do hear/see/use, nevermind the other 95% of its output I don't go near.

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I'd like to more depth to the majority of the news site articles, bbc is great for getting the big picture in small portions over a whole range of issues but can sometimes really like the meat I want to chew into. There, at the minute, the best place for more depth is the verious blogs. Nick Robinsons is pretty good for UK domestic politics. I also nip over to telegraph.co.uk

I use US News & World Report - Breaking News, World News, Business News, and America's Best Colleges - USNews.com for my transatlantic slice, if theres a better alternative I'd be happy to hear about it.

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I myself think that it's a fucking fabulous institution. I would gladly pay the fee that runs it just for the bits of it I do hear/see/use, nevermind the other 95% of its output I don't go near.

Ditto. While I get some news from cbc.ca (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) - I get all my real news from BBC. I still find the US newssites have too much of a focus on US issues (and sometimes too much of a pro-US tilt). I still shudder whenever a US newscaster uses the word "we" in reference to their country - I'm of the firm belief that the newscaster should detach themselves from the story.

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