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  Knuckledragger said:
Funny, I seem to recall that appearing in here before... :rolleyes:

I think that was the Misty May butt slapping before. It's hard to keep all the various international ass-hattery straight.

  aardvark baguette said:
I dont remember seeing it here, but its entirely possible. Oh well.

What I am saying is I posted it in this thread before, and it is now gone.

Unless of course, I'm hallucinating more than usual. tripping_smiley.gif

  Dusty Chalk said:
I suspect it was a different forum, I don't recall seeing it before, and I read "slow forum" pretty avidly.

Me too. I pride myself in being one the particularly slow users on h-c (as exhibited above).

Anime OS Horror:


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Background, left hand side (clockwise from top left): Windows 98 (in the box), Windows 95 (wearing kimono), Symantec Antivirus (male), Windows 2000 (in front of Symantec), Windows Server 2003 (fish outfit, attacked by black cat), Windows NT (close to usual appearance, but has blue hair and a blue dress), Windows XP (holding her skirt down). 
Background, right hand side: Windows 3.1 and DOS (neither unusual representation is the "official" os-tan for each). 
Foreground: Windows CE (left, fairy in light green outfit with USB wand), Windows ME (right, green hair, levitated by CE). 
Group image of the OS-tans, used under fair use. Artists: Sorenarini Toshiaki (illustration and finish) background Sore-Aki.

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