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I heard them briefly at a convention with a very high ambient noise level. They sounded like they had some promise, and weren't as bloated in the bass as the Proline 750 I also heard. I'm still not a fan of how their headphones are put together, especially for $1000+.


did mulveling like them?

this is why I ask. I've already been told sovkiller is full of shit, but mulveling seems to know his stuff. He has posted initial impressions, and they were positive, but he is holding back on comments while he listens more and they burn in.

also, the shots of the cans were sexy as hell, i'll repost them here for the benefit of the ban-ees:



the leather does look very nice, but I'm thinking the cans are actually smaller then I'm picturing them in my head. but for $1500 they better be more then just an hd650 without the veil. fuck, i'll live with a veil if it saves me $1250.


If Iron_Dreamer is referring to "that's a ton of plastic for a $1100 headphone" I'd have to agree with him. And the same headband used on a bunch of other Ultrasone headphones doesn't help in setting apart a true flagship from the rest of the herd.

also, the shots of the cans were sexy as hell, i'll repost them here for the benefit of the ban-ees...
...and those of us who aren't banned, yet still don't frequent that site.

And: thanks! Goddamn, those are sexy looking headphones. I wonder how sexy they'll stay when the chrome starts flaking off the plastic...


...and those of us who aren't banned, yet still don't frequent that site.

And: thanks! Goddamn, those are sexy looking headphones. I wonder how sexy they'll stay when the chrome starts flaking off the plastic...

You know I actually thought that was metal? ???



If Iron_Dreamer is referring to "that's a ton of plastic for a $1100 headphone" I'd have to agree with him. And the same headband used on a bunch of other Ultrasone headphones doesn't help in setting apart a true flagship from the rest of the herd.

That's just what I'm getting at. The earcups are pretty small, the same as their older HFI650/700 models, rather than the larger and more comfortable size of the Prolines. I'll give it to Ultrasone, while the headphone has much the same problems as their former flagship Edition 7, at least it's not that ugly white, and the price has come down by 50%. Maybe the Edition 11 or 13 will finally get a bit closer to something worthwhile.

Guest sacd lover

I have some PL2500's coming today. My first pair arrived in one day from PA. to Ohio .... but they were defective. I didnt realize this phone had two drivers until I saw a post with the design outlined. I was totaly confused how the headphone produced instruments but the vocals were almost completely absent. The heaphone clearly had a bad connection and the main drivers were not working at all. I dont really like how the cable is connected. They sound use some type of locking mechanism to hold the 1/8" connector firmly in place. But the headphone as a whole was quite impressive to me. The look and fit were A+.


Let's break this down somewhat;

1. FOTM and overenthusiasm aside, Ultrasones aren't bad headphones

2. Their build quality is technically alright (as in, they don't break easily, at least not anymore), but is way too cheap for the price of their headphones

3. Ultrasone do have competant designers, even if they aren't always focused on improving sound quality

I have yet to hear the E9s (and being stuck down here and not wanting to buy them blind I see no way to rectify thatt), but I don't see any reason they couldn't sound as good as the more level-headed of the other sites posters have claimed. I guess there will be a beeline towards the E9s during the international meet.

Guest sacd lover

So I'm guessing you are not digging the 2500s Earl, judging by your F/S thread on Head-Fi

I hated them .... I hope Robm321 likes them. I cant take sibilance and they manufacture sibilance where I hear absolutely none with my other phones. Unless burn in ::) turns them from a pumpkin into a corvette I could never live with them.


we're fine, dude, the HP-2s are faraday cages ;)

Still probably not giving us 98% protection. And we have no S-Logic!!! I mean it was invented in Germany, has to be good right?

Guest sacd lover

Earl thats too bad. Now you have to put up with the electro-magnetic emissions that our regular headphones can't protect us from :P

Oh no big deal. The FOTM is strong with these and I knew I could sell or trade them at a minimal loss if I didnt like them. I didnt expect them to be so far from my ideals though. I keep getting the ..... burn in will transform the 2500 into this awesome headphone. But unless they change into a completely different headphone I will never warm up tho the 2500. They honestly didnt seem worth the effort to even mess with. :mikey2:


I'm not surprised you didn't like them when I heard the edition 7's I thought they were the worst headphones I'd heard. I really doubt Ultrasone can make a decent sounding headphone.


I'm not surprised you didn't like them when I heard the edition 7's I thought they were the worst headphones I'd heard. I really doubt Ultrasone can make a decent sounding headphone.

So then people have ears full of guano then?

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