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Hey man, welcome!

That said, can you please copy the information from the link?

I think we actually do have someone in Nashville, right? Just can't remember who.

Theo, I can try to make this, but no AriPower if that happens. Would be good to see you again. Any other people near you going?



Hey man, I'd be stoked to have you come up with or without your gear ;). And yeah, I'll try to paste it below (doing this from a tablet, bare with me...)


Hey guys!! This is a new thread to replace the old one (here) with the updated information on the upcoming Music City Meet in Nashville!!

Event Details:

Location: Best Western Franklin Inn (Conference Room)

Address: 1308 Murfreesboro Road, Franklin, TN 37064

Date: May 10th, 2014

Times: 10am - 8pm

Note: the Best Western is very meh-looking from the exterior, but the conference room they have is several times larger (and a good deal nicer) than some of the other ones I looked at, and the price is very reasonable, so I think it will serve our purposes just fine!

Conference Room Pics: (I'm a cruddy photographer on a cellphone, so excuse the quality):

Current Attendees and Gear:

(Note: please let me know if there are any changes to this list, and I'll get it updated!)



Schiit Asgard 1

Beyerdynamic DT880 - 250 ohm

Beyerdynamic DT1350


Lynx Hilo

Audio-gd Master 8

First Watt F5 (Rawson clone)

Hifiman HE-6 (Audeze vegan pads)

Beyerdynamic T5p (DoubleHelix modded to balanced operation)


Antique Sould Lab Mg Head DT

Little Dot Mk3

Grado SR80i



Wadia 121

Audeze LCD-X

Grado GS1000i

Grado RS1i

Mr. Speakers Alpha Dogs


Fostex T10


K.I.C.A.S. Caliente amp

Glow Audio Amp One

Denon 2000,5000 & 7000

Grado GS1000 (Original)

Grado RS1 Buttonless

Grado HF-2

Grado SR-80i

Audio Technica ATH-ESW9

Pure Digital Dock

Bel Canto DAC2


Grado RS1i

Grado Cocobolo SR80i

LIttle Dot LD1+ with several tubes/opamps

iBasso DX50

HiFiMan HE400


Sennheiser HD580

Beyerdynamic DT990

Denon D5000

Grub => CKIII


Porta Corda III (diy kit version)

Carrie/Grub USB System

Frank Berryman (ultrahighendreview.com)


Grado PS500

Grado SR80i

Fiio E10

Woo Audio WA6

Zach Mehrbach (ZMF Headphones):


ZMF x Vibro

Note: Zach will not be physically in attendance, but he's sending us his headphones to check out anyway!!


Beyerdynamic T70p

Beyerdynamic T51p

Sennheiser Momentums

Schitt Valhalla (in cool black trim)

Schitt Vali

Schitt Modi

ALO International

Food Situation:

There will not be full-on food at the meet, but I'm going to pick up a few snacks to gnosh upon when the blood sugar levels start dipping. If anyone has anything they'd like to bring, feel free! The hotel itself is about 5 minutes from Cool Springs, and there are a million good places to eat there, so if/when the hangry bug starts to nibble at you, you can hop down the road and get pretty much anything you'd like. There's also a Shoney's next door, if you're into that sort of thing. Alternately, there were plenty of squirrels around the premises for anyone with a high energy level and low culinary expectations.

Additional Festivities:

I am going to come down the night before (probably won't arrive before 7-8pm unless I can finagle something at work), and I'm down for dinner with whomever would like to come out! Also, I have a feeling the meeting will wrap up at precisely beer thirty, so if anyone wants to run out after the meet and grab a quick bite and some brews, I'm down. Lemme know!

What We Need:

Extension cables and power strips: There are only 9 outlets, and they're on the outside walls of a pretty large room, so bring any spares you can!

Camera man: As you can see from the room pics I posted above, Ansel Adams I ain't. So if anybody would like to bring a camera and get snap-happy, please do so! Also, I'd like to compile those and any other pics (cellphones, etc) after the meet for sharing with everyone. This is, with any luck, the first in a long series of awesome Nashville meets, so it would be great to properly document it!

Proselytizing Loudmouths: Due to the rather expeditious nature of the current incarnation of this event, there are probably a lot of people who would like to attend, but either don't think it's happening now, or never knew it was happening in the first place! So we need to get out there and SPREAD THE GOOD WORD! I'm going to post a link to this thread in a few related threads around here to try to let people know it's happening, and I'm going to be sending out some mass PMs shortly as well (apologies in advance if I blow you up in the next few minutes), and I'll also have an updated link to the event in my signature line, which you can feel free to copy and share or add to your sig line too. The most critical element for a successful meet is the people that show up!

I'm Interested! What do I do?

Anyone is welcome to swing by and spend as little or as long as they'd like! If you plan on bringing some gear to share, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know so I can update the gear list. Also, if you are definitely coming but don't plan on bringing anything, still chime in on the thread-- you don't have to bring gear to be welcome! Even if you have no audio gear to bring, if you want to bring a couple of extension cords or power strips, or maybe some snacks, they would be appreciated, but not at all required. And last, but certainly not least-- help us SPREAD THE WORD and let people know about the event!!

Guys, I'm VERY excited about this, and cannot wait to get a chance to actually put faces with Head-Fi handles while listening to world-class gear!! I'll see you in Nashville on May 10th!!!


To be clear, I was requesting nudity, not patience. I probably should have said something like "take out your titty tassles and show us how you earn it" but, alas, I did not. Consider it a lesson learned.



To be clear, I was requesting nudity, not patience. I probably should have said something like "take out your titty tassles and show us how you earn it" but, alas, I did not. Consider it a lesson learned.



This guy may just make it around here!

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