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This thick cable has got all the strange looks, and is really very stiff, almost tipping my gear over. A bit of the (normal) lamp cable deep inside can be seen through the blue semi-transparent connector (Patrick does not apparently believe so much in effects of the actual conductor). It works, as the image shows.




I particularly love the "Fathers Day" first grade, ash tray, craft project effect, where a normal human would use heat shrink.


Did you actually pay for that?

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I particularly love the "Fathers Day" first grade, ash tray, craft project effect, where a normal human would use heat shrink.


Did you actually pay for that?


I did not. Here is a close-up of the connectors - without the strange craft project there, it wouldn't be art now would it ....

It seems that there is tape under the white stuff.




Yin sand and Yang sand to correspond with and neutralitize alternating current. I'm guessing the darker sand would neutralitize any current on white wire, and the lighter sand would neutralitize (yes, you read that term right) any current on black wire.  Ground is where the sand comes from, so no specific sand is required to bring it into adjustment.


So I am 10 years late to the party. Less fun. But let's not be too hard here, consider these Gold Feet: rather advanced, with gold wrapping, duct tape and no less than two kinds of sand.



Just my opinion, but I think we've devoted more than enough time and space to Patrick. I'd be quite happy to never have to see his crap again.

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