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The price of HE90s is too inflated for its own good.

Given that Sennheiser is out of the HE90 business, if the price is agreeable to buyer and seller, that's what it is. I'm glad that I got in on the Meier buy, as I suspect that if I went to sell, they'd go for more than I paid.

I don't see the HE-650 as an "Orpheus Lite", or even the HE60 in that role. I'd give that honor to the Omega II. You get close to the Orpheus sound at a fraction of the price.

I really like the McAllister EA-4, although I've only heard it a couple of times. The last KGSS I heard was brand new, and had Black Gates, so I'm not going to comment on it. I've really liked the burned in KGSS amps I've heard. The ES1 is the amp that really opens the HE90 up, though. I also liked the HE90 with a prototype Aristaeus, but only heard that once, and have not heard the final version.

I also liked the HE90 with a prototype Aristaeus, but only heard that once, and have not heard the final version.

we should have a meet sometime then... philadelphia's reasonably closer to MD than santa rosa. ;)


Taking past and present exchange rates into account, I paid $500 more than the Meier group buy price with a Stax adapter thrown in, so it sounded fair enough for me. Thank goodness the dollar is so weak right now.

I just read that mikeg will have his Woo GES for display at the national meet, so if somebody with HE90 experience could take a listen at that amp, I'd be very grateful. ;D

I don't see the HE-650 as an "Orpheus Lite", or even the HE60 in that role. I'd give that honor to the Omega II. You get close to the Orpheus sound at a fraction of the price.

As much as I like my O2's they still don't sound totally 'right' in the way the HE90 does to me. The O2 is technically superior to the HD650, but in terms of the overall listening experience I'd say the HD650 is closer to the HE90 than the O2. It's moot now of course - but as I said, if it would have been a significant stretch I'd have said stick to the 650.

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