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6 hours ago, EdipisReks said:

This has been a shitty year.

True, but this thread casts a pretty wide net. I mean, considering the world's population and all of the people who have done great things with their lives, plus the fact that none of us gets much time in the grand scheme of things. So it's a celebration and a way to say thanks as well. Still depressing as hell at times though. I'll give you that.


Roy Allison American Loudspeaker designer has passed away yesterday. I don't have any details. Roy was a ground breaker and an independent thinker. Roy was 88 and still in the business. Sad loss RIP Roy.


I use Father Ted samples for all my cellphone ringtones. It screams "ARSE!" at me whenever a text comes in. People who might disapprove of that sort of thing generally can't understand Frank Kelly's drunk enunciation.

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Ironically Frank Kelley died on the same day as Dermot Morgan (the guy who played Father Ted) 18 years ago.  At least Kelley got to 77; Morgan died suddenly at age 45, which was what finished off the immensely enjoyable sitcom.  Feck! Arse! Drink! Women!

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