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With this elaborate description I am inclinded to believe you. Could that mean that Inner Fidelity also is a part in the hyping business? Or at least grossly understating weaknesses of the gear they review. The recent adoption of Guttenberg should support that view.


Audiojunkie, it is not true that most contemporary music has no output under 80 Hz. Then we listen to extremely different kinds of music. Try it on speakers with a lower limit of 40 Hz and you can easily hear the bass compression. Classical rock works much better on such speakers.

I'd say "sounds good with contemporary pop and rock" would fall into the category of damning with faint praise.  Especially for a $5000 amplifier.


I'd say "sounds good with contemporary pop and rock" would fall into the category of damning with faint praise.  Especially for a $5000 amplifier.

He wrote contemporary music and that is much more than pop and rock for me. There are contemporary jazz and contemporary classical music with low and heavy bass content and sharp transients as well as alternative rock. This music is very demanding and unsatisfactory equipment trashes easily the sound of a complex contemporary music (if you know how it should sound and don't think it is a plethora of ugly dissonance). Taking Tylls review as a clear reservation for LL1 demand that you read it between the lines very much and interpret minor reservations as major. There is no amp that is perfect so then it becomes impossible to write a honest review as it is very difficult to know when a minor reservation is meant as minor or major. It is clear that BHSE got more positive mention in Tylls review than LL1 but LL1 was described as a good amp and not as something you should avoid. He wrote above that he thinks it sounds pretty good.


You have to remember Tyll still has a website to run. We can piss everyone off and don't care about it, but Tyll can't.

LL might not be an ideal amp for us, but there are probably those who like it despite its shortcomings. We are merely pointing out its shortcomings here.

Also, you have to take anyone's subjective evaluation of gears with a grain of salt, even Tyll's or Birgir's.

If you really want to know how it sounds, go try it instead of sitting here imagining its sound by reading what other people think of it, end of the story.


You have to remember Tyll still has a website to run. We can piss everyone off and don't care about it, but Tyll can't.


I understand that Tyll like any commercial reviewer must be considerate.


I understand that Tyll like any commercial reviewer must be considerate.


My advice to you is--if you really do want to understand what you think are divergent opinions--to go back and read the last several posts carefully and get the not so subtle hint.

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With this elaborate description I am inclinded to believe you. Could that mean that Inner Fidelity also is a part in the hyping business? Or at least grossly understating weaknesses of the gear they review. The recent adoption of Guttenberg should support that view.


Guttenberg aside, I do believe the following should put to rest any doubts regarding Tyll and hyping:




I'd say "sounds good with contemporary pop and rock" would fall into the category of damning with faint praise.  Especially for a $5000 amplifier.


Well said and completely agreed.





PS1, RS1, HF1, HF2, SR225


I've owned RS1, HF2 and SR225 and while I found them very enjoyable, sub bass roll off was definitely there and Tyll's graphs tend to show as much. My JH13s just go so much deeper.


That was brilliant Milos.  :) 


Yup. I can only report what i Heard. The issues raised here are pretty different than a review of its sound. 


I thought it sounded pretty good, but the BHSE was the clearly superior amp to my ears in the test.


I thin Alex should directly address the output safety circuit issues raised here. He's producing an amp that can pack a wallop; making it safe is his responsibility. Addressing concerns of competent critics is within his capabilities surely.


I think part of the problem was the general suck of the group.  We should have sent you a KGSS as a baseline.  :)


Now I'm curious.  Explain yourself here.

Yes, you seem to be seriously interested. Head-Case is an unusually conform group with its own heroes, enemies and some common beliefs. Outsiders with a different opinion are regularily treated aggressively and often with contempt. They move away soon and conformity is maintained.


Anyway, it is positive that uncensored information is possible on this site with critical discussion of designs and products. In a time of recession and hifi in decline, many vendors stick to headphones as a possible arena for profit or simply for survival. This market is exploding and much of it is sustandard, maybe especially in the "high end". This can only be sustained by constant hyping and Head-Case is not on this hype train.

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