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So here is an odd one.  To try and improve the KingSound KS-H1 I need new earpads.  Now I could just use Stax ones as they are about the right size but 150$ earpads on a 500$ headphone...  :-  
That leaves me with dynamics and I'm well out of my comfort zone.  What I need are 95-105mm earpads that are solid, leather or pleather. 


One thing that is never listed is the diameter of headphones so you give me some suggestions?  Audio-Technica, Fostex/Denon etc. all make models that might work but I don't know the diameter of the pads. 


The ATH L3000 (leather and expensive) and W3000 ANV (probably pleather and likely less expensive) are 100mm.


Denon D5000's (and probably D2000's too) are 90mm. JVC HP-DX1000 are 100x105mm, but rather thick (though extremely comfy).


The 3000ANV are leather so I just bought a set.  Not cheap but hey...  :)


The JVC are probably too thick and the Denon too small. 


I also bought the budget favorite on HF, Brainwavez HM5 or some such.  Only 17$ for the pair with free shipping... 


Keep 'em coming. 

Posted (edited)

The 3000's are pretty comfy so if sound-wise do the trick, they may be a perfect match. Otherwise let me know, I'd get those pads if you're not going to use them.

Edited by Torpedo

Anything Sennheiser will be easy to source.  :)  I'll look into it and access their service info...


The 3000's are pretty comfy so if sound-wise do the trick, they may be a perfect match. Otherwise let me know, I'd get those pads if you're not going to use them.


Sounds like a plan.  :)  The build looks good with smaller opening. 


Anything Sennheiser will be easy to source.  :)  I'll look into it and access their service info...


I think the originals are way too thick for you (and quite pricey) so these might be better for experimenting (there is another Chinese variant on ebay as well which is not symmetric)


110mm work as these are pretty big.  It will be interesting to see what effect suede has though.  How much does it actually seal. 


The KingSound M-10 is in pieces here while being upgraded so I'm using the Stax SRM-252S.  A huge improvement...  :)


Time for an update.  The well worn SR-007 pads were an upgrade but made the bass too anemic.  Distance from the driver and the chamber size being the most likely culprits.  It's more linear but just... too bland. 


Today I got the W3000ANV pads and they are lack a bit in comfort compared to the 007 pads but I can live with it.  Mmmm leather...   :)  The sound is better with them too, bass has a bit more bloom and the top end is smooth.  Still these have serious issues and that echo/phase issue hasn't been resolved.  I'll probably have to take the drivers apart which is not something I look forward to. 


Ok, I think I've found a good set of earpads for these and they were dirt cheap, the Brainwavz HM5 pads.  They were a bit too small so some force is needed to attach them but the material is quite nice  and they are very comfy.  The sound seems to strike the correct balance so lively yet about as neutral as they can be.


The really good bit... they cost 17$ shipped for the pair.  :)


Haven't touched it after the initial mod.  Not sure if anything can be done with it to be honest.  Steaming pile of shit that one... 


I anybody knows about a good BJT that is 800V or more in a DPAK package I'm all ears.  Low output capacitance is a must have. 

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