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Every couple years or so I email Sound Organisation to see if there is a Rega dealer in my area, never having any hope that there will be. I've been buying all my gear via the internet since I got into this game in 2006, and as much as I love the many benefits internet shopping provides, I have always wanted to form a relationship with somebody local. I like doing business with people I know, which is probably why I've completely stopped using ebay, audiogon, or even head-fi, I'd much rather buy and sell my crap here rather than deal with the teeming mass of insanity that is the open interwebs market. 


Lo and behold they get back with me, and there is a new hi fi dealer not to far from me: http://www.ellingtonhifi.com/


The owner emails me and tells me about all his brands. He carries Rega (he is the only Rega dealer in Alabama), VPI, Quadraspire, which are brands  I have some familiarity with, and some other brands as well: Clearaudio (never really been impressed by anything they've done) Dynaudio speakers, AMR, IFI Micro, Octave, and T+A. 


I told him my situation straight up, that I'm not in the market to buy right now because I'm out of work until later in the summer, but would still love to come back and check out his shop and listen some stuff, but didn't want to waste his time. He was really friendly in his reply, saying that he is about to get a pair of Joseph Audio Perspectives in, and would love for me to come by and spin some records and hang out, no pressure to buy or anything. I also saw on twitter he was spinning Widespread Panic, so I know he's a major dude.


Anyone ever heard any Joseph Audio stuff? Generally it looks way out of my price range (the perspectives run ~$11,000/pair) but I'd be stoked to hear a crazy expensive speaker like that, and it appears to be well reviewed. 


I guess there is no real point to this post, other than to express my happiness that my next turntable purchase could be in person with a real live human being. 


I also think its a testament to the steady growth in appeal of hi fi that a dealer has opened up in Loxley, AL of all places.


And I'd love to finally hear a VPI table after reading countless reviews of their stuff.


Anyone have any decent local audio dealers they've formed a relationship with? I guess I could use some tips on etiquette and whatnot, since this will all be new to me.

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