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Hot, windy and hilly (for Florida) day for me today. I didn't get on my bike until almost 1PM. Got at really nice 15 mph tailwind for the first 12 miles but then it turned against me for the rest of the ride. I think I drank close to 4 750ml bottles just for 28 miles.


Overall it was a good ride considering how hard it was today. I'm really surprised my heart rate wasn't through the roof today.




Walking by the Calfee this morning I realized why yesterday's ride felt so weird.  I typically never leave the little ring on my W&OD trail ride so I am used to always being in the lower gears.  As the Calfee had been on the trainer I had it in the big ring and rode all day yesterday in the big ring.  I thought those two big hill climbs were more difficult than I expected.


I guess so.  I am looking at it as progress as there was a time 6 months ago I couldn't make it up this one hill in the little ring.


Great job Jeff! Was that with a standard or compact crank on the Calfee?


Longest solo ride of the year for me, 41 miles. I wasn't as hot as yesterday as it drizzled a little bit. Regulated my heart rate again and drank almost a gallon of water. I know it's better to drink too much than too little but I'm not sure if a gallon is too much for that distance. 




Nice work, Raffy! On the fifty miler yesterday I only drank 32oz but that was not enough. I ordered two 25oz insulated bottles last night as a result. I figure that should be enough to get me through a metric century, but migh require a stop if it's hot.


A gallon is a lot of water to intake.  Seems like it would just depend on how much you are sweating.  I didn't drink anything on the 15 miles yesterday but the temps were nothing like yours.


The crank on my Calfee is compact.  Standard would have resulted in me rolling backwards down the hill trying to unclip my pedals I am sure.


I'm a really heavy sweater plus my body likes to dump all my electrolyte reserves through my sweat. I would cramp up if I only drank 32 oz in 50 miles.

I weighed myself before the ride as after and I was actually lighter after the ride even after drinking all those fluids. I know more factors contribute to weight loss during the day but I think that's a good indicator if I drank too little or too much.


I am really interested in the first HC Cycling Meet so I can see if I can keep up with anyone over the course of the first mile.  I am thinking I need to average 18+ MPH just to keep up with everyone here.


I don't know, I haven't seen you post any Strava results so you may just be sandbagging and I would just get left in your dust.   ;D


I am really interested in the first HC Cycling Meet so I can see if I can keep up with anyone over the course of the first mile.  I am thinking I need to average 18+ MPH just to keep up with everyone here.


I think we should do Sebring during their first weekend in December event.  It's already laid out and supported, and we can just hang out and have fun.  Plus, the crappy hotel is cheap, and there are nicer ones around as well. There has to be some sort of mountain bike trails around there, I'd imagine, for those who like that sort of thing.  


There is an August ride and December ride.  I can't do the August ride so I'm lobbying for a December meet.  On the other hand, I am thinking a mtb meet the weekend of September 8 or anyone is welcome to join me for a two day white water kayaking class that Saturday and Sunday.  


Waiting on Joe Bell.  I'm thinking it should be any day now.  I first spoke to him May 30, and then again about a month ago. He said he was going try to have it ready before the last week of June, but if not, he had his annual camping trip planned then.  I'm assuming it's either done now or about to be.  If I haven't heard from him or Dave by the end of the week, I'll make a call.  I'm used to waiting for things, but I'm getting antsy about now.

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