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I'm looking for a pair of high-quality headphones to mix/monitor on for recording purposes. The HD650's have long been recommended for this purpose (despite being less neutral than the HD600), and as I keep hearing that the LCD-2's share a somewhat similar sound signature - I'm wondering if they would be a good choice in my situation.

I am aware that some engineers use the LCD-2's for this purpose, but I've heard comparatively little information about them when used for monitoring. Headphone mixing is not exactly a popular field compared to monitor speakers in the audio world, which might account for this lack of feedback about them, so I thought I'd see if anyone around here can help me out. I'm sure there are technically more neutral headphones out there than both of these, but that is less of a deal-breaker than one might think, even for mixing. Any advice you can give me is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


There is no "neutral" headphone -- in fact, I wouldn't even recommend it. Just like speakers (the ubiquitous Sony NS-10 comes to mind), you want something that has a fairly wide frequency spectrum, and is slightly elevated at both frequency extremes (elevated because differences in levels in those areas are harder to hear, slightly for obvious reasons). You then want to become familiar with them -- play favourite well-recorded tracks through your system, just as if you were monitoring, and listen to how it sounds through those headphones. Then shoot for that same sound signature.

I personally like the Sony MDR-V6/-7506 for this.

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