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Really? I loved it. I was really sad to see it go, but if its whats best for the safety of the horses then I guess its for the best.

I couldn't stand it. Thought it would be good from the previews, but honestly didn't like a thing about it. I disliked all the characters. Dustin Hoffman annoyed me and I was just bored. I tried to give it a chance, maybe 2.5 episodes, but just couldn't get into it.

That said, I've never been to the track but would like to go sometime.

And Wink, perhaps this place isn't for you?


Its the kind of show that really took about 4 or 5 episodes to get into, but I started to really like the characters and enjoy following along, especially Escalante and the gamblers.

In typical Michael Mann fashion, it wasn't easy to get into, but once you were in you were hooked. It is not a "lets sit back and see whats on" kind of a show. If you didn't pay attention you'd get lost quick because they didn't stop to repeat or simplify anything.

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